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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Ed have you been to Blue yet this season?
  2. Wow just wow. Richard Noselys everywhere
  3. Salty don’t speak for mixilplix..that’s ignorant.
  4. Nice, you’ve really been getting after it this season.
  5. Go to gore on a different trip. It’s not going anywhere. Tickets always become available at some point due to cancellations.
  6. Salty when I was a kid I had the white book of ski areas which featured hundreds of ski resorts. I also read every book on skiing at the library.
  7. Rummy are the guys you go on ski trips with gonna be there?
  8. BAhahahah.
  9. Welcome back Mess!!
  10. Around the clock snowmaking temperatures Thursday-Saturday. I’m predicting this skison at Blue is going to go into April.
  11. Also most people are not following quarentine guidelines before going to other states to ski. I see a heck of a lot of NJ plates at Blue.
  12. I don’t think NY has any Covid travel restrictions. That’s why it seems to be a popular destination for PASRs
  13. @saltyant you’d like this. The author skied four NY ski areas in four days. https://nyskiblog.com/a-new-york-ski-journey/
  14. Looks pretty nasty up there now..freezing rain. In seasons past they’d probably close early today due to the weather but not happening now with a couple hundred night tickets sold.
  15. Gotcha and then you can boot up in your house
  16. If they are getting a ton of people at current pricing, they aren’t charging enough.
  17. When I was there in 2001 that’s what they called it. Do they charge for parking? I notice you take the shuttle bus..
  18. Early bird used to be before 11/15 then they made it in the spring time. $600 sounds about what they should charge. They’d generate more revenue that way although they did do away with the midweek pass and discounts for kids or multiple family members. They went with the KISS strategy,”keep it simple stupid”
  19. Do the locals still call the place crusty butt?
  20. What date last year did Blue passes go on sale? I definitely don’t remember before Presidents’ Day. Might need to go into the archives.
  21. I think it will be $499 or less for the early bird. I’d rather they charge a little more..I think they are leaving money on the table.
  22. I have my own group on Facebook and my own mod squad. I’m good.
  23. I just mean the name since salty is a Sally.
  24. She posts on Facebook sometimes. She’s an EMS worker now and does some online tutoring.
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