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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I’ve never had to be so strategic driving to work to avoid destroying my car.
  2. Over two inches of rain for Allentown so far. Combined with Sundays rain we’ve already surpassed our average for August.
  3. Happy bday Justo and BenM
  4. Gonna be a lot of Goobs in the backcountry this year.
  5. From 8am-9am it rained 1.03” in Allentown. Damn Shadows
  6. Times 2..is your vehicle AWD? I had snow tires on my 99 Jetta and studded snows on my 2002 Nissan Sentra..ever other car just had the tires that came on them with AWD..
  7. Dont cancel musikfest then have a mini Musikfest for people with ants in their pants.
  8. I laughed I honestly think I’m gonna have a better than average ski season but that’s just me being positive and wanting to really get after it since I’m getting old
  9. For ice ice baby and early morning groomers 94s better but in the mad sweet and low and applesauce 104s better. Nice bringing both. Thanks for posting getting me jonsing for skiing.
  10. Hard to believe only 4 new cases in Lehigh county out of 318 tests. That’s incredible. I’m not going to be too optimistic just yet but maybe just maybe this virus is starting to die out a bit. We shall see later this week.
  11. I’m getting another new pair of kastles this season. Gotta have street cred with Atomic Jeff plus they’re solid skis. Might even get a new helmet.
  12. Only 565 new cases for PA...
  13. Resorts aren’t gonna be closed. Sounds rad.
  14. That’s so sad..sorry for your loss..glad I got to meet him.
  15. Two weeks ago Lehigh county had 106 new cases and last week 176 new cases.
  16. Dr. Birx is saying in most areas kids shouldn’t go back even rural areas aren’t immune. In Georgia many schools are starting completely virtual and parents are protesting that the damage of kids not going back outweighs the risks of the virus. Tell that to this kid who lost both of his parents four days apart. Makes me cringe a bit seeing all the gatherings on Facebook, bday parties and even a FB friend out near Pittsburgh attended a large indoor wedding last night and had his arms around a bunch of different people in pictures but some of those folks think masks are a sign of weakness. Sad
  17. 654 new cases today. Cases are always less on Sundays and Mondays though. I fear over 1,000 daily Tuesday-Saturday..rumors of Governor Wolf making all schools begin virtually are false..it’s up to the individual districts. Seems like most urban districts are starting out virtual or hybrid and most suburban and private schools hybrid or in person. Many say schools and colleges coming back will mean a lot more transmission. We shall see.
  18. I hope we get a lot of rain. Gotta get those snowmaking ponds full and you’ll be able to mow more.
  19. Wow so cheap. My friend is a member at a local swim club and sent me a picture of cheesy nachos you know the kind they had at the fun rinks when we were kids. Like these and I was like what are they like $4-5 and she said no they’re like Tree fiddy wow just wow...yes GSS take it to the food thread.
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