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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Wow that stinks and did he go back around the bullwheel
  2. I don’t see how full buses of kids are gonna come up there.
  3. Kids generally don’t die from this. It’s them infecting school staff and parents/grandparents
  4. 1485 deaths and 67,000 new cases today. Most deaths by far since spring and on track with last weeks cases. A month ago before all the southern spikes there were 500-600 daily deaths.
  5. I didn’t even think that. They’ll probably close at 7 or some bullshit 😞. Ski club was the highlight of my school year in middle school. That would be really sad for kids not to have ski club.
  6. Correct and Texas actually had one more death than Florida..217 vs 216. Today could be the deadliest day for the US since May. Over 1200 reported so far cases are a bit down from peak 58,000 vs last week when there were over 70,000 daily but reporting occurs for another hour or so.
  7. I’ll bring the butter.
  8. Correct my friend was paying for catholic school and daycare at the same time for her kid in the spring. Even housewives if they still exist want the kids out of their hair so they can get their hair and nails did and have ladies lunches.
  9. 834 new cases in PA but 68 of them in the Lehigh valley which is the largest one day total for the LV in quite some time.
  10. Welcome to the new normal. I think I had a runny nose half of my childhood and about 2/3 of the time I’m skiing.
  11. Delivery guys kids go to Upper Perk school district and last night their school board voted 8-1 to start the school year all virtual and many parents had a freaking cow. It’s a different demographic than urban districts. Likely more republicans and people who think this is a hoax. Allentown school district is going to be all virtual and Parkland which is the Richie rich district of the valley is going in person for elementary school and hybrid for older kids.
  12. That’s pretty similar to Lehigh county. We have about 300k people and 30 new cases yesterday. Total is about 4K though.
  13. I bet she wished she sold to Vail last year or to Mr. Slugworth.
  14. Hey your plan would work if Blue was willing to spend more money and take in significantly less revenue while also pissing off indiggio.
  15. 216 new deaths for Florida. Another daily record. Almost 10,000 new cases as well.
  16. Indiggio isn’t gonna like that. Thankfully PARidge isn’t the one calling the shots.
  17. We’ll adapt...even if the majority of us ski less days think of how amazing being out there is gonna feel after what we’ve all endured during this pandemic.
  18. Nope...we will have skiing but it won’t be the same...cases will likely rise during the fall and into the winter. The fact that amusement parks are open give me no doubt that most ski resorts will operate but with some modifications. Perhaps less capacity on the quad and six pack at Blue, masks required on lifts and liftlines, limited amount of people allowed in lodges and perhaps social distancing in liftlines and even limited ticket sales. For travel, obviously airlines will be a higher stress proposition and at the ski resorts I don’t see Trams operating and gondolas perhaps four per cabin instead of 8...less capacity on buses as well. It’s a whole new world..
  19. This is in Tennessee where schools are already back on a modified schedule. The teacher touches one of the kids and is really close to them. People are really dumb like the random businessman at wegmans who was standing two feet behind me like it was February 2020 or something
  20. Everybody is looking online to see a news article or opinion that suits their agenda. The back to school people cite things like suicide, child abuse, drug use and mental health as reasons kids can go back to school. The CDC says kids should go back to school fully but the caveat deep down in their reports is in areas where the spread of Covid-19 is under control which is in places like Maine and Vermont. Also most parents who want their kids back in school don’t want their kids to be wearing masks. You can’t have it all
  21. I honestly think in the next few weeks the governor will make the decision for all schools in PA to begin virtually.
  22. It’s not Fair....they cancelled the Puerto Rican day parade in Allentown so they had a protest instead.
  23. Record tourism this summer in Jackson hole. Oh Lordy. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/travel/2020/07/jackson-hole-yellowstone-grand-teton-struggle-with-record-breaking-coronavirus-tourism/
  24. Highest single day death toll for Florida..186...at least more hospital beds are opened up.
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