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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Yeah...it’s bad when restaurants and bars are voluntarily closing down because their employees and customers are getting sick.
  2. I had the white book of ski areas as a kid so memorized all the vertical drops of North American ski resorts from that although that was the resorts stats, not the real deal stats.
  3. Blue is legit about vertical. A lot of ski areas like about vert including Windham in NY
  4. I need a place that I can play skee ball at where I don’t look like a Pedo
  5. 3207 new cases for Florida
  6. I’ve never been to either but always confuse the two.
  7. Sorry I confused that with chickie and Pete’s. My bad.
  8. Makes sense. They only do business when the arena operates. Downtown Allentown has seen some of the most business casualties from Covid-19. Bell Hall is reopening this weekend with new owners, the Bayleaf is out of business, the downtown Allentown market lost 3 of their 7 vendors. With thousands of downtown office workers working from home the demand just isn’t there.
  9. Day 156 for Mr. Buckhouse and he recently bought an RV Actually it’s a camper but still rad
  10. Have fun.
  11. I just wish Johnny law post more regularly. Would also be cool to know Nastar Glenn and Matt edge views on this.
  12. PASR has never been so active this time of year.
  13. I predicted Trump would win in 2016 and now I predict he’ll lose in 2020...
  14. I feel like the protesters don’t think corona is a hoax as most wear masks. My friend who’s one of the most careful during this is also an SJW and has white guilt so she had to be at the Philly protest due to FOMO..I’m just glad the protesters, looters and rioters left Popeyes chicken alone.
  15. You should be a contact tracer..would be a good way to meet babes.
  16. Reminds me of the show supermarket sweep.
  17. Perhaps not as much as people inside bars and restaurants...what’s crazy is that contact tracers in New York City aren’t allowed to ask people if they’ve attended protests.
  18. Wow responded to PARidge before I saw your comment.
  19. Cause they both have shithead governors who have not been proactive about Covid-19.
  20. Public health issues shouldn’t be about politics. A lot of stupid people on facebooks with all their theories...some saying this is all a hoax. I’m thankful to be in PA now and not like Florida or Arizona where the infection is becoming out of control.
  21. 335 new cases. Fourth day in a row below 400
  22. 2610 new cases for Florida. Also from two days ago to yesterday they test over 15,000 people in PA so the percent positive was under 3% which is a record low. At the same time many GOP members in the state house wanna impeach governor Wolf.
  23. Somebody on Facebook was defending governments lockdowns saying,”people won’t patronize your business if they’re dead” hmmmmm
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