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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Over the Top??
  2. I’ve never even heard of that +++++VIBES+++++ to your son...
  3. I like LivePD and I miss the days when things weren’t so PC.
  4. I also saw they are ending the TV shows Cops and LivePD.
  5. Wow just wow allentown has lost 6-7 restaurants so far.
  6. A lot of the youtubers who live in LA have been yukking it up at Lake Havasu or in Florida...Covid is infecting people of all ages. It’s just the 70+ people and those with underlying conditions that it’s hitting the hardest. @theprogram4 have you seen any NELK or Danny Mullin videos lately..amazing content.
  7. No has zero to do with age demographics. It has to do with an aggressive early reopening.
  8. And a hedgehog and a boom
  9. 1371 new cases in Florida...yeah sure the heat kills the virus lol
  10. OMG the super sonic French Fry fest is cancelled damn Daniel.
  11. I’m a great Allentown fair guy..haven’t been to musikfest since 2012
  12. Musikfest is going virtual this year.
  13. @Johnny Law post??? I wonder what he’s been up to??
  14. Wow just wow everything is unbelievable to you Dan. Are you letting your employees go to WaWa yet??
  15. Don’t believe that did you see my post earlier. It’s all political theater.
  16. 410 new cases. If this keeps up another week or so we could go to green.
  17. Later this afternoon Musikfest officials are going to make a big announcement.
  18. The governor will veto it and if veto is overrules he’ll enact a new emergency declaration. Nothing has changed..it’s all political theater.
  19. The only places I visit in Philly area are IKEA, cemeteries, cheesesteak places and occasionally a trendy nightspot if my Philebrity friend can get me on the list. I went to an Asian night once at G Lounge way back in the day and got in for free and got to eat sushi off a near naked model...the sushi was ok like grocery store quality but free no beggars can’t be choosy.
  20. Trust me I don’t expect any hard feelings over this stuff. At first I thought he was your cop roommate. I give you props for skiing almost as fast as me oh crap skis and 100 pounds plus lighter.
  21. I feel for him...and anybody dealing with any medical issues. The guy I know who is mostly deaf lost his hearing as a kid when he contracted Mumps. He used to be an electrician and is now on social security and works part time as a home health aid for the lady he lives with.
  22. I’m laughing so hard. Thanks for that lol
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