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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. @DiMe are you going out west next season? I feel like you should go especially with Ikon pass.
  2. If Blue did that it would be for Carbon county folks.
  3. You could always get a season pass for Jack Frost instead
  4. Come on Johnny Law lets make this a day of kindness.
  5. Dorney also has a new coaster which could throw a wrench into thing.
  6. Wow they really make you jump through major hoops. It’s not easy being a skier.
  7. Hey All, I’m back from another fun morning session at Blue mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 830 and it was around 30 degrees under overcast sky’s. In the house were Atomic Jeff, TP4, C1er, Rodney and the Bethlehem ford crew. Second civilian super summit safari six back and I began on Main Street which was sweet soft pack powder until the end which had mini cookies. There was a big race on Razors and snowmaking has ended on Nightmare to Dreamweaver and they’re starting to build a booter near the top. Challenge was nice…a little looser than Tuesday..I skied that three times. I skied Sidewinder for the first time in two seasons and it wasn’t that good…some slick spots, some cookies and mini Root rollers and lots of goobers. Back to Main Street for the final three runs and it stayed so nice. Barbs was slow and sticky..today the snow will start to transition to spring snow and maybe some showers later then mad brick this weekend and spring next week. We had a nice stretch of packed powder and now I’m ready for some spring skiing and it’s right on the horizon…get it while you can as we close out the third quarter of the season.
  8. They can’t enforce that, it’s out of sight.
  9. On the super radical Saturday Pow day I got air off the falls a few times. One time the front of my skis were like 3 feet off the ground and the tails were just high enough to clear a credit card..would have looked extra rad shot from a small aircraft a mile in the sky..
  10. Yup he wrote up an incident report but still like I said about discretion
  11. He runs shit at Dorney..and before cedar crest college..when somebody was flying a drone above Barbs way, he was on it right away. What I’m saying is call a spade a spade but he’s a friend to PASR..and so are the ski instructors riding the long golf carts with noobs around..they’re excited for Johnny law to return from Utah.
  12. I mean he’s right..shit can be really loud..vapes are better for discretion. Gotta stay on security guys good side he shoots the shit with us more early and late season when not much is happening and he wears yak traks attached to his shoes.
  13. I saw that on Facebook as well. People questioned why the big increase. Personally I think giving seniors a discount is good but maybe like 10-20%…I know at Bridger bowl they raised the age of the free season pass from 70 to 80 because there are so many 70 something skiers. Elderly folks are the people with the most money.
  14. Take it to the Hunter forum.
  15. Nice report, I wonder how many more years the quad will last? With coming soon, it gets used more than ever and it turns 30 in December.
  16. Oh yeah?? Details. He’s a nice guy to me and the PASRs but I don’t know if he has the composure to deal with rich entitled skiers from the tri state area. Working security at dorney where it’s a lot of teenage hood boogers is different.
  17. Six years ago prices were a lot less. Have some more kids and you’ll be able to take advantage of the sixth grade deal again n
  18. Who the fuck would want to ski camelback for 7 days lol one day of its free is plenty for me.
  19. Seniors skiing is actually saving the sport right now. They’re the people with the most money and free time.
  20. I’m glad the barrier to entry for skiing/snowboarding is kind of high..otherwise it would be even more crowded.
  21. Yeah seriously and what happened to social distancing lol
  22. We want the local ski resorts to print money so they remain operational.
  23. Here’s a video of a snowball fight in the liftline from last month and our buddy from security handling everything. I think this was the day it took them a long time to get all the lifts going.
  24. What brings in the most profit is first priority for any business. I don’t think the skiing aspect of most ski resort is very profitable. Food and beverage, hotels and water parks seem way more profitable.
  25. We’re all every age once if you make it that far, so you better enjoy it.
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