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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Would you be willing to take a test if no symptoms?
  2. I’m sad I won’t be able to watch the NASCAR races at the bar. Last year somebody played the jukebox during NASCAR. How rude...I like to hear the vroom vroom..
  3. We go to yellow in a week..and in green we can all visit JFDan and he can give us haircuts.
  4. It’s sometimes in the articles. Let me see...
  5. That’s really good and better then I thought. Did you see how many tests they did?
  6. Most of us have to much to lose to do that shit.
  7. Really sucks getting new shoes without trying them on first lol
  8. There’s no more quarantining...that word is passé...I hope. In the Ikon pass group and also on the Teton gravity research forums it was said that a solid amount of people with reservations to ski Abasin were no shows. Out of 600 people no way you can expect to have everybody show up..think about weekend roll call threads on PASR..people say they’re gonna come but something else comes up..same with restaurant t reservations. Was just unreal that somebody lucky enough to get a spot yesterday at their reopening day was complaining that there weren’t more people. Anyway if you do head west write a report!!! I think based on snowpack at Abasin they’ll make mid June. No way Fourth of July like last season..not with the forecast and snowpack. Im sort of sad that I skied Abasin 6 seasons in a row and that streak is over. My Jackson hole streak of 16 seasons in a row still stands!!! Cue..We are the champions!!!
  9. That’s not gonna work at karaoke night unless you bring a Mike like @Schif or @mbike-ski
  10. I can’t believe @toast21602 didn’t think that was funny.
  11. No way...I saw the video of them all looting a Target...if a black cop ever unjustly killed a white man I wonder if white people would loot Popeyes chicken and Boost wireless stores.
  12. Holy fuck yeah I was watching some livestream footage of the riots in Minneapolis earlier the shit is bananas..the national guard has been called in. To lighten the mood here’s a grate song.
  13. And also say @saltyant three times.
  14. Doubt it’s a pun but it’s a bar so people would need to take off masks to drink anyway...unless they’re getting takeout.
  15. What do you have it set at? I just turned on AC at my office Tuesday for the first time. 72 degrees. When office manager is back will likely have to bump it to 74.
  16. Eventually I will but for right now it doesn’t appeal to me that much...I’m really starting to miss going to bars and singing karaoke but that sort of thing probably won’t be back until the end of the year. Just think about all the people who use the same microphone.
  17. Restaurants can open outdoor seating on June 5 in the yellow zone. Will be weird having masked servers and unmasked patrons.
  18. Grate stuff..but you didn’t ski at Blue mountain this past season.
  19. You should wear your Members Only jacket...great to have you back posting again Ski2Live
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