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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. 3.5 hour daily commute....wow..you could fly to Colorado in 3.5 hours fa la la la la
  2. This is how I see cases for PA going forward in the short term...
  3. Shut the fuck up can I post a video without a dumb comment from you.
  4. Americans aren’t obedient like some in other countries not surprising. What do you think total deaths by the end of the year will be??? I think 300,000-500,000
  5. Pretty decent coverage at Abasin.
  6. Is this the first time your employer has offered mandatory layoffs? In this economy even getting a years pay for an older employee doesn’t seem worth it as it would be difficult to find a new job with comparable salary/benefits. What I see happening is when the dust settles a lot of furloughed employees probably won’t be hired back..
  7. Just received the new sneakers I ordered online(first ever online shoe purchase) but didn’t receive the socks I ordered.
  8. You probably spend less money on clothes as well. I miss selling to customers face to face..
  9. It’s totally dependent on the design..for carvings like the corner roses and accompanying leaves the options are flat carved, shape carved and sculptured. The above is shape carved. Giving an average customer depth options for lines would complicate things. Now when we have like graphic designer or engineer types then we can get more specific.
  10. I think people like the socialization of working in an office and the water cooler chatter..can talk about last nights episode of Friends or Dancing with the Stars and hate on Deb from accounting.
  11. I like the owl. Girls and Toast are so decorative.
  12. I hope delivery guy waited a few more minutes after he set this to let the caulk bleed out a little more and trimmed it a bit. That’s the only thing wrong I see.
  13. I’ve been coming into work six days a week during this. Still at work now. It’s my escape from this. I don’t mind my job it’s the customers that can be annoying. Just installed this Memorial stone yesterday in Bensalem and the family is complaining. They said it’s nice but just not what they expected said the design top center of the saint the lines aren’t deep enough. Cool story we’re paid in full.
  14. JFDan you said you hate your job and you were getting paid $1,000 a week to hangout at home...I don’t blame your co workers for wanting to ride it out.
  15. Yeah but being home all those extra hours with the lights on when before she was at work would make a difference right??
  16. No idea maybe $20...she’s got a college aged kid there as well who is on her computer all the time...when I lived in apartments my electric bill was like $40-50 a month.
  17. I feel bad for office manager while she’s been working from home her electric bill is high and for the first time our electric bill at work was under $100 due to lights out and also office managers computer not in use here 7 hours a day. Office manager is saving a lot of money on gas
  18. Would you be an accountant? I thought you have to physically go to banks..a lot of office jobs will likely go to at least partial work from home as employers realize it will save money on office space and in your situation on hotels.
  19. I think pretty similar tomorrow and Friday..if numbers go up the next week I wonder if they extend the lockdown. Yesterday’s 400something number was based on only 5,000 tests while most days the last few weeks there have been 7-12,000 statewide tests.
  20. How is business now?
  21. I really like this quote
  22. About three weeks into the pandemic I saw multiple people wearing face shields inside Whole Foods....
  23. I never did gloves in stores I have at gas stations. Where I walk it’s not that busy if people are approaching three wide I just walk in the grass..
  24. February 4th WTF...Flying should be fine this coming season...you should at least come to Blue sometime next season.
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