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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. They won’t tolerate but when the second wave hits I bet PA goes into a lockdown again...Governor wolf is super strict. @saltyant does your work have a timetable when your work from home will end??
  2. Other states not doing so grate 879 new for Florida..Maryland 839 new. Virginia 1483 new..NC 692 new..Minnesota 742..Iowa 300 new. While Iowa’s number is less than PA they have 22% of our population.
  3. Wow if this trend continues we’ll be down to zero by Thursday. Grate stuff
  4. Wow some new Perder at A bay bay
  5. Turning wheel when car isn’t moving??
  6. Getting swoll pushing bricks around and fire on the mountain.
  7. You can’t hate on Amazon they’ve been a godsend to many during this pandemic and fedEx, UPS, Karl Malone, Milkman, paperboy evening TV. I ordered new sneakers off the Internet..arriving on Thursday
  8. I have a couple extra cones at my work if you want to borrow.
  9. A lot of buzz in the Ikon group. People talking about flying in from Boston. I think with limited ticket sales combined with pent up deman only a small percentage of people who want to ski or ride will be able to those days. Apparently short term lodging also opens back up in summit county May 26
  10. Have fun and if you wait a few weeks they’ll run out of snow. If I lived there I’d be more than comfortable going with their reservation system and social distancing measure but I’m not comfortable getting on a 3.5 hour flight right now....I’m gonna make up for this pandemic shortened ski season bigly next season.
  11. 1065 new cases in NJ ...that’s really not that bad comparatively less than a 1% increase. The stay at home for NJ has worked as well as in PA at flattening the curve and keeping hospitals from becoming overwhelmed https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nj.com/coronavirus/2020/05/nj-coronavirus-deaths-increase-to-11133-with-154154-total-cases-hospitalizations-drop-to-7-week-low.html%3foutputType=amp
  12. Well we’ve flattened the curve that’s what matters and our next lockdown we’ll do the same through a combination of mask wearing and social distancing. Great job people!!!
  13. I’m glad you see things through rose colored lenses...I’m actually pretty happy...business is good, I haven’t gotten any fatter, no work tomorrow....:I’m just hoping the second, third, fourth and fifth waves don’t mess up the next ski season to much but we have six months. I hope tarponhead knows I’m only kidding🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖
  14. I’m not gonna be positive about something I don’t believe in. We’re still in the beginning of this folks...even Dr. Fauci was like don’t wear a mask...wear a mask...we need to stay shut down...we need to open back up...Tarponhead would still spread his cheeks for him lol
  15. I was actually thinking the same thing...maybe more like 615..we shall see when that Mrs. doubtfire looking chick gives the numbers at noon.
  16. One day you’ll wake up and be a realist lol. When do you think we’ll go back over 1,000 again??? Wednesday...Thursday.
  17. I looked into this because it seemed way to low and governor Murphy said they didn’t finish compiling the data so I expect NJs numbers to be significantly higher today.
  18. White girls gone wild we don’t judge em they ain’t on trial.
  19. Wow just wow Here is today’s Saturday stupid...
  20. I found a birthday present for Salty..
  21. Sitting in my checking account...we are gonna get at least one more round of Donald Dollars...I prefer to call them corona bucks.
  22. I’m sure you’re familiar with contact tracing from your time in Africa fighting Ebola...have a good night
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