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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Wow just wow my hair is gonna get really long. I might need to borrow one of @GSSucks scrunchies.
  2. I’ll be at Blue a lot on weekday mornings...Blue is already getting their summer stuff ready to open June 5 the day after PA stay at home order tentatively ends.
  3. Dr Fauci said he doesn’t see kids being back in school in the fall.
  4. Oh then 1101 been awhile since I was off school and watched it.
  5. No way like next week. People start to get symptoms this weekend get tested or hospitalized Monday and results a few days later but don’t worry they’ll do some spreading in the mean time.
  6. That’s about my guess do I go the price is right strategy and say 1099.
  7. You’re so fast. I like to post so I can quote yesterday’s total. This is gonna go on for like two years. Yesterday was 543 new positives.
  8. That’s when it currently ends most of PA
  9. Wow by the time lockdown ends on June 4th we can play some touch football shirts vs skins.
  10. Home Depot lone south side Allentown
  11. Saves water and shampoo.
  12. I’m glad I’m not the only one who likes to get drunk in the morning.
  13. I’ve been wearing the same shirt two days in a row.
  14. I am getting a lot more calls at work,”Are you open”...I just mail people info, answer their questions and when they’re ready to buy send them a contract and they send back a check or pay with credit card over the phone. I wonder if I’ll be comfortable meeting with customers June 4 when the stay at home ends. Right now I don’t think so and have to be closer than 6 feet to show different things.
  15. I think the most strict protocols are behind us. The thing is by the time this is over they’ll need billions of tests and some that had the Virus get it a second time at least according to an article in the Wuhan times.
  16. Do you think people should be tested weekly?? The people in the White House are tested daily. I wonder how fast they get the results.
  17. If kids aren’t back in school at Halloween I don’t see much trick or treating. I am starting to miss going to the bar..in the beginning I kind of liked the break. That prob won’t open till July.
  18. Wow you can just throw your stuff in the dumpster at my hotel house.
  19. @saltyant I don’t know if you’ve heard..but the bird is the word.
  20. @tarponhead I wanna drink tonight what’s the magic word??
  21. Present👀👀💩💩💩
  22. I saw that only 12% of the new tests were positive.
  23. Sharing cocoa three ways fa la la la la
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