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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. @skiincy it’s a sign
  2. Total FOMO for me and car wouldn’t start again so now car is at dealership and I’m driving this beauty. Better now than in a week when I need to get to the Newark airport. thanks for the reports all!!
  3. @skiincy it’s a sign.
  4. My one teacher friend has a flex day today and she’s working on IEPs, sounds fun. My delivery guy is out plowing today so I was stuck shoveling here…
  5. In JH I’ve been known to walk around barefoot outside I did it before when I got locked out of my room getting ice or something and walked about to the front desk to get replacement barefoot. Can’t do that in Allentown might get hepatitis or rabies.
  6. One of the first times me and Matt Edge hungout together was MLK 2015 back when he had his charger or challenger some sort of badass ride before the Venza. It was the typical MLK day, dead for opening bell but got busy but not presidents weekend busy or Shitshow Sunday Stupid… We had a beer or two in lower lot and skied some more then he was parked in upper lot so went to his car and had an ice cold stone IPA… Today I’m just happy I walked over 2,000 steps which is progress..could be some light and dry Pow pow coming in overnight wooo
  7. Battery all good knock on wood.
  8. Not skiing today cause letting foot heal and of course when it rains it pours, car won’t start. Better now than in 8 days when I’m heading to the Newark airport.
  9. Hey I was born in the Allentown hospital and I’m completely normal.
  10. Welcome you passed the test..what kind of mustard do you like?
  11. Welcome jack..not to be confused with captain Jack or the jack from that jack and diane song. Is your last name Hoff??
  12. Those are good..
  13. That’s very old news.
  14. Airhead I don’t think you have the authority to put @Salty in timeout. Nice about Tuesday could be a nicer rider of the storm day depending on the timing.
  15. You’re looking way ahead and by then blue will be near 100%
  16. We are still special at Blue, VIP line, discounts, season passholder party maybe but at like 2pm on a Sunday so turnout is low.
  17. @saltyant this is fantastic.
  18. Pants and jacket I think last year before JH…but I ski in the rain sometimes. The important stuff, ski socks and under armor gets washed every week. I think JLaw went 28 days in a row skiing the same pair of unwashed socks. Talk about stiff socks
  19. If you always keep your pass in the same zipped pocket you won’t lose is unless you lose your jacket.
  20. That’s crazy should be like $5 or zero. Sheesh if I owned a ski resort, not only would I replace the pass no charge but I’d give a voucher for a hot cocoa or soft drink as well. My response would be,”oh man that stinks I hate losing stuff, I’ll print you off a new pass and have a cocoa on us we appreciate your business”. But I’m a customer service wizard.
  21. It’s prob only a one square inch area area below my big toe on outside id foot..unfortunately on my larger foot…getting into ski boot major ouch..first few minutes in Pain goes down. Lift rising pain is 3 out of 10..skiing almost zero pain even in 3D snow…then taking off boot ouchie. I’m trying to have a good attitude, I’m not sick, still semi productive at work, sleeping well. This isn’t as bad as when this happened in March, then walking around a grocery store was terrible now no issues doing a couple thousand steps of everyday life but frustrating because I was doing well walking more and keeping my activity up. @toast21602 I’m hoping you feel better soon. We all have enough in our plate it sucks when more gets added that don’t involve nachos.
  22. I did the same but because my foot was bugging me and don’t wanna make it worse with JH in 9 days but I’m going tomorrow then maybe take another little break. At work now and dumping here. Ironic that I included ad for Foot doctor
  23. Utah is getting dumped on like crazy. I saw something like 58-84” total predicted for Alta, prob enough for closures. Lucas videos always bangers.
  24. They have plenty of water in the snowmaking ponds..I don’t want to hear any complaining if you get stuck on a chairlift right in the spray zone of one of Blues snowmaking cannons..this is gonna be exciting to watch and ski woooooo
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