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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Interesting can’t wait to see what Fox News and the Young Turks have to say about it. I watch both sides of the spectrum.
  2. I am sick of people who had the flu during the first half of the winter thinking they got the corona virus..the head of the CDC is saying how lucky we are that the corona virus and the Flu didn’t hit real hard at the same time.
  3. Well yeah if there are several times more cases than the death rate is way less...but it also shows just how easily this spreads.
  4. Yeah so that means it’s way less serious than we thought.
  5. 1369 new cases in PA...
  6. Breaking even for any business this year would be good. My business had a great start to the year like best ever through early March and we are currently down about 7%...I’m thankful to some of our dealers who have continued to meet with families and sell and also me and office manager selling via phone, mail, email...the sandblast facility we use in Vermont has been shutdown all month but plans on reopening around May 1..our delivery driver set three memorial stones yesterday..the cemeteries never close..
  7. If you’re a public figure, people hate...look at Saturday night live...
  8. Yeah that’s real that’s how people are in the rural south.
  9. She...He...gets hundreds of hate comments everyday on Facebook.
  10. She’s Jewish and went to Bryn Mawr..she should know better.
  11. The mayor of LA is a real Loony toon..
  12. She’s urging residents to stay home but the governors orders supersede here with respect to businesses reopening and she’s getting a lot of racist comments as well. This is one of the governor of Georgias political ads lol
  13. Something like 60% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck.
  14. My sister just bought a car over the weekend in Virginia. Was even in the car with dealer. Sheesh.
  15. I love tucker Carlson and hannity...
  16. I would say donate to food banks..the really poor aren’t seeing any relief money or unemployment compensation...at Killington the line was two miles long to get food. https://unofficialnetworks.com/2020/04/22/killington-covid-reponse-food/?fbclid=IwAR0DeZOSu_H30LQCXG1R-zB15fcOgcgLNYegYjhRt6zQoZ4WICNxQbGdYng
  17. What does that mean like count them as positive cases? My friends brother in law was tested and he’s youngish and had fever and diarrhea and he ended up being negative..if I had a fever and diarrhea prob wouldn’t be as bad as my worst hangovers.
  18. I think they are doing call ahead curbside. I’ll try it out one of these days..I have two participating liquor stores near me.
  19. I was at deli counter in supermarket the other day two and a half feet behind the glass and ok boomer with a mask skeet skirted right right in front of me to checkout the roast beef...great the closest contact I’ve had with another human in the last month was Gary or Larry..no offense to the cool Gary’s and Larry’s lurking. No line at check out..Starbucks had silly long line again I just don’t get it..can just buy coffee drinks at supermarket or make your own cup of joe or help yourself in the lobby.
  20. Exactly why I’m not driving to your state for jack Daniels.
  21. The Atown Sluts a local band got shut down by the allentown police for putting on an impromptu concert today downtown.
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