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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. No walk today was at work to long and then ate a bunch of edibles.
  2. Wow is Dr. Fauci your mancrush Monday???
  3. One of my female friends had her stylist make a house call...not like it matters how hair looks when you’re social distancing.
  4. @tarponhead is not gonna agree
  5. Steezy and toast next time just post a link. Almost all the small businesses who applied for PPP that had their records together and a good working relationship with a participating bank and who applied the day the program began accepting applications were approved. My business was approved but no cash in hand yet.
  6. On the Morning Calls Facebook page there were five times as many angry faces vs Love smilies on the livefeed of the protest. I’m surprised police aren’t enforcing social distancing..
  7. More like 1-2 weeks to see a spike in infections between the time symptoms occur and testing and even test results are returned. Probably right around the time the blonde doctor “lady” will allow online online auto sales and notary services.
  8. Looks like a couple thousand people at the capital. Don’t any of them have jobs..gosh.
  9. I think the numbers will continue to be all over the place based on when tests come back.
  10. The lockdown for PA has been extended to May 8
  11. It was about $15k for our front and back driveways to be paved at work years ago. Maybe 120 feet total and 10-12 feet wide.
  12. I’m sure JFDan can give you an estimate. Probably $10,000+ for your driveway.
  13. Same..I’m thinking maybe late May at the earliest for haircuts.
  14. My delivery guys family got $3900 total since he’s married with three kids..plus he got back about $7k in taxes....Normally I think he’d use the money for a Disney vacation.
  15. Only 948 new cases of corona in PA but 92 new deaths. That’s two days in a row of decline. The blonde doctor lady said 14 days in a row of decreases and things can stop opening up.
  16. My parents have still been paying their cleaning lady even though she hasn’t been coming. I think stuff like that or what NMSki has been doing with Martial arts place is good. I thought about giving money to a couple local bartenders as well.
  17. More being sarcastic..a lot of folks who make way into the hundreds of thousands a year still think they’re middle class. I feel like the $1200 the government gave me was a thank you for dealing with this pain in the ass pandemic...
  18. My Philly teacher friend and some of her colleagues are donating the $1200 to the less fortunate.
  19. Not spending it...just absorbed into my checking account. Between the refund money and not going to Colorado and the money I’ve saved not going to bars and using uber I’m up about $4k so far although my business is down tens of thousands.
  20. 2018 I was still a partner as well so had to split profits....
  21. We were approved but no $$$ yet. Shake shack is giving back the 10 million they received.
  22. I got it. I’m lower middle class....I’m actually surprised you get it with your wife being a lawyer.
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