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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Looks like you got about as much snow as Loveland...gotta be nice to see even though you can’t ski. Tomorrow is when I would have gone to Colorado.
  2. This is sad 32 year old guy in Allentown died worked at the sprint store. I remember seeing him at beer pong when it was at Roosevelt’s and we have six mutual friends on Facebook. He passed away this morning. Here is his last Facebook post. This shit is really real.
  3. It’s not easy being president...I believe there are supply chain issues.
  4. The amount of testing PA and the United States is doing is way down. At Lehigh valley hospital they are only testing those over 65 with symptoms rationing their low supple of tests.
  5. Wow I was in Colorado then falalalala
  6. ++++++VIBES+++++++ to her.
  7. We applied for the payroll protection program and also a $10,000 economic injury disaster loan...crazy thing is that since we applied business has been really good..but that’s only for like a week..
  8. I’m sure he’s already checked out your pumpkin patch in the lot before.
  9. I like cinco de mayo...way better than st Patrick’s day...
  10. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcphiladelphia.com/news/local/all-pennsylvania-schools-to-remain-closed-until-end-of-academic-year/2357786/%3famp
  11. Tuesday is when I would have come to Colorado if not for the plague so I will torture myself looking at webcams
  12. You want me to order you one??
  13. Rep Nunes is just trying to help get the economic back. Some are saying trump is the most caring president ever. He put our economy and his approval at risk for the health and safety of Americans.
  14. Whenever lockdown ends you’ll say it’s too soon...this is interesting.
  15. That’s good see you at the rope drop.
  16. My friend sent me this..Starbucks line by south mall on Lehigh street Allentown....and another friend in NJ getting booze for a lot of people..not me...I’ll wait till Monday when distillery is back open again.
  17. Correct....so if everybody in the store is wearing a mask everybody is helping everybody.
  18. Have you been wearing a mask??
  19. My good friend goes everyday and I don’t wanna call her out for it cause I’d sound like you but I think it’s a little frivolous. She’s also going to her moms house tomorrow for catered Easter she ordered..I think get together is under ten people so fine...cue rolls eyes emoticon...
  20. Apparently there are only two Starbucks open in Allentown and lines are massive my friend said like 20 cars in line...
  21. Unless I have a minor gunshot wound I’m staying out of the hospital. Lehigh valley hospital is running out of tests and now only testing those over age 65 with symptoms...people with chest pains and stroke symptoms are afraid to get Corona in the hospital. Apparently the local hospitals are pretty empty especially the ER. People see those images on TV of NYC and Italian hospitals and they think it’s like that here.
  22. They should have a contest, whoever comes up with a working vaccine first receives two tickets to Paradise..would be even better there if Eddie $$$$$ was there to present the tickets but unless he comes back to earth Sunday with Jesus it’s not happening.
  23. If Indiggio is behind me to gather my skis if I fall.
  24. The local hospitals have Furloughed a lot of their staff. Nobody is going in for appointments or elective surgery which is hurting hospitals revenue. I also read that the Lehigh valley hospital is running out of tests and now only testing those over age 65 with symptoms.
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