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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. In my allentown issues FB group the teachers are devastated..they weren’t able to say goodbye to seniors and for many of the kids school is their only safe place.
  2. Good at least you laughed and I only mentioned it cause others were in the morning call comments.
  3. How large are the classes that you teach. I guess the silver lining to this is teachers are still getting paid. @SallyCat what’s it like at the private school you teach at. I think this is tough for the parents having kids home all day..
  4. How many hours a day are they online? My friend who teaches in Philly is not allowed to teach online because only a small percentage of her students have access to the internet. Out of all my friends she’s enjoying this lockdown the most...but she can fucking relax..one of those that can just sit by the pool...me I get the Jimmy legs.
  5. Cue the Alice Cooper song..I wonder if this will translate into a tax savings for property tax owners. School districts are likely gonna go way under budget with hourly workers not being paid, lower utility costs, no bussing. Ridge im sure your older kid is sad about this since she’s a senior. Are the younger kids happy about this??
  6. It starts up really soon some have already received it. There’s no separate application for it... https://www.cnn.com/2020/03/25/politics/senate-stimulus-unemployment-benefits-coronavirus/index.html
  7. Aren’t most getting unemployment plus the extra $600 a week from Uncle Sam through late July? Some will end up collecting more than they make on their job. Everytime the mail comes at work I pray for checks. On Monday a really nice order came in the mail and normally I’d be like meh only one order and it was like freaking relief that day. Optimistically I think my business can make it till July until I have to lay people off, take a loan or use my own money..still haven’t heard anything yet about th payroll protection program.
  8. This is a good page for up to date data on Covid-19. Interesting to see all the testing about 2.3 million tests in the US about one in 5 tested is infected..that holds true in PA In NY and NJ almost one in 2 infected while Vermont is one in 14 and Hawaii one in 40 tested came up positive https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/
  9. That’s a big deck.
  10. Be careful.. @ridge and @RidgeRacer he said 170
  11. Wow you’re hardcore.
  12. Toast do you think you’ll volunteer at the hospital if shit gets extra bad??
  13. It will be April 30th before we know it.
  14. Ahhh stick to sedans then
  15. You’re a fucking savage!!
  16. Had anybody ever chucked a drink at you while you’re riding or yelled something off the wall like O’Doyle rule??
  17. Until they’re hungry and then will do Taco Bell drive thru
  18. Pennsylvania deaths jumped a bunch as well..they were talking about good news when it wasn’t warranted from one days worth of data.
  19. You know now there’s a curfew in Trenton..shit is bananas...B-O-L-O-G-N-A
  20. You can come to PA and MBike
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