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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Pretty messed up. This guy thinks we should go back to normal life and everybody gets infected and he said seniors are willing to die to save our economy. More messed up is the guy is Lt governor or Texas and is 70 years old
  2. Nope just stopped over to give me a suppository now feeling ferry.
  3. See turning lemons into lemonade this is grate. Slopeside still serving food to go..
  4. @saltyant looks like it might snow in the H soon
  5. Yeah WTG it’s / not \ I’m guessing they didn’t even take any AP classes in high school. Wankers
  6. Fuck those fucks imagine if everybody took that advice next ski season and went to hunter mountain or Loon instead and the thing is many Vermonters are transplants like their beloved Bernie Sanders..Ben and Jerry and the late Jake Burton. Assholes
  7. He’s sick and has cough and fever but at home not in hospital. Thanks for asking.
  8. Way to get after it Kyle!!!
  9. At wegmans. Never seen it so empty except at like 8am on a weekday.
  10. As long as they don’t accidentally send out an email that if you bought a waffle you save thirty bucks off a lift ticket because @indiggio will get a double discount
  11. Blue extended season pass early bird deadline to April 30th. Sweet one less thing to do this week.
  12. Baby Boomer work from home setup. Baby boomers grandkids work from home setup. Phlebotomists work from home setup.
  13. A lot of the locals see tourists as rich people who live a life of leisure. I went to the university of Vermont and the locals there are the same way towards college students. Very bad town gown relationships. Jackson hole locals hate on tourists right in front of them. Anybody that has money is called a wallet yet most of the JH locals have money...their early bird season pass is like $1650. When I lived in Montana my one roommate was like these damn Californians moving here and changing our politics...they hate California in Montucky...but were happy as fuck when they got a Target and a TGI Friday’s 10 years after the rest of the country.
  14. For people wondering how steep things are at Jackson hole.
  15. With weed I can take it or leave it. I’d just rather take it.
  16. Reminds me of the song Joy to the World about a bullfrog named Jeremiah. Your band should do a cover of that. I hope the twins have a good attitude about this. This is probably scary for kids.
  17. I didn’t know you were a stoner.
  18. It already is a few places. Won’t ever get below $1.50 in PA because of all the taxes.
  19. Gonna get some at wegmans on way back from the office. I haven’t had any since gaper day and need to conserve my whiskey reserves.
  20. There used to be bumper stickers that said don’t jersey Vermont. Thanks for stopping in. The Blue crue misses you.
  21. Now that cracks me up..
  22. You’re straight tripping maybe Abasin in June if it snows a lot this spring.
  23. You should meet the PASRs next season in Jackson hole. You’ll have a blast!!!!
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