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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. My grandparents were friends with Fritz Kramer who owned Apple Hill..when my mom was a kid Apple hill was the little place to ski and Doe mountain was the big place. My dad learned to ski at Vernon Valley/Great Gorge which had a playboy club in the 70s I believe.
  2. Another video if anybody has a spare 15 minutes. This is from November. Cue REM it’s the end of the world as we know it. It really is.
  3. Well who’s right...the nurse almost doctor or the guy who skis on ladies skis and wears a face mask when it’s 45 degrees out.
  4. It’s amazing reading the comments on this on PennLive and Mcall FB pages. People are so confused.
  5. Oh thanks didn’t see that post.
  6. Full list. https://www.scribd.com/document/452416026/20200319-Life-Sustaining-Business?fbclid=IwAR3VIRk-jBWsu3uIgwqsleisFc6rAtoNEbAEU8GGf_NS9L0VBnjXpEVTYcU
  7. List of businesses that can stay open or must close.
  8. Front range Colorado has to have one of the highest concentration of gamers who think they’re experts cause they skied a Black Diamond at winter park. The same people in the Ikon group on Facebook who are still demanding compensation cause they didn’t get as many days as they wanted on their pass.
  9. The governors website crashes which has the list of non life sustaining businesses. I wonder if banks and payroll companies are considered life sustaining. What about the post office. If we are just allowed to go to the grocery stores and pharmacies and takeout food that’s pretty much the way it is already. The allentown farmers market was open today and apparently it was one of the busiest days in their history and the mood was very tense and there were also long lines.
  10. Some of y’all might get off work now. https://www.wpxi.com/news/top-stories/live-updates-coronavirus-pennsylvania-what-you-need-know-thursday/NSJ3WMDCVRD65F3O4OMBSK5SH4/?outputType=amp
  11. Then the articles will be more like Italy and say another 4,000 died in the US today. That’s not for another two weeks.
  12. Of those 11k cases what percentage do you think are hospitalized? If you extrapolate there will be at least a couple hundred thousand cases in the US in two weeks.
  13. I sold two tombstones over the phone today ...something I expect to do a lot more.
  14. I actually made like 30 turns this last season.
  15. Without..no offense to the dog but it would mean slow and deliberate turns which I despise
  16. I sometimes just like the way cash feels and looks and you can count it. Been two weeks since I got a cash order.
  17. A mother in her 70s and two of her children in their 50s died in New Jersey from the corona virus on the same day. Are there strains within this that are more powerful?? https://www.foxnews.com/us/new-jersey-family-3-deaths-4-hospitalized-coronavirus.amp
  18. I’d poach Blue if Schifdawg or BenM would shuttle me.
  19. The Allentown farmers market is open today and I heard there are long lines. The last thing I want to do is stand in a line.
  20. A free warren miller movie to watch. https://unofficialnetworks.com/2020/03/19/start-your-day-with-warren-miller-higher-ground-full-movie/?fbclid=IwAR1U_vZTfm7kW9QtOr9CmhUO9l0f_VUFHzbt4qxuAJEzLj1raeezWefKr94
  21. JFDan some people like to shop..test drive..figure out if they can afford payments. I’m not one of those. Are people at your work not practicing social distancing? I’m the only person at work..delivery driver is making deliveries and office manager working from home. In another week or so the government might make us stay home except to go to the grocery store or pharmacy.
  22. JFDan I looked it up and 31% of US transactions are cash. I think most of the cash transactions are made by some older people who don’t believe in credit/debit cards. My former delivery guy never even used an ATM machine cause he said he didn’t want to pay the interest so he would go into the bank to get cash. Hospitality workers who get tips are always spending cash..also super low income people who don’t have credit cards or bank accounts. Some I’ve noticed also use cash for very small purchases..I’ll use credit card for a pack of gum especially cause that’s my only option if I’m not carrying cash.
  23. It’s gonna be near 80 degrees tomorrow and there’s a possibility of snow on Monday. Would be nice to see one last wintery blast.
  24. Well half the boomers are 65-74 which is in the senior citizens/elderly group...you’re an XBoomer Stevo
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