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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. The consensus I’m getting from a lot of the public is that they know about the pandemic and they either care a lot or don’t care...NYC goes into lockdown in the next 48 hours. Many of them are getting the hell out before it occurs some going back to hunker down with family in the Lehigh valley.
  2. I hope you’re being sarcastic. Your kids are old enough to be home alone anyway. You don’t know any babysitters.
  3. Some PASRs might get a stimulus check from Uncle Sam. Mitt Romney is proposing $1,000 per person. My friend said it’s only for those that make under I think $65,000 but no idea where they got that info. Not to sound like Bernie Sanders but a rich or comfortable person getting $1,000 won’t matter but an out of work hospitality worker would mean a lot..also money to airlines..what’s another trillion added to the national debt.
  4. Are daycares closed? Don’t people have babysitters.
  5. Unless it’s the boss, that’s not cool...my office manager brings in her dog occasionally and that’s different.
  6. Toast should kids be out playing basketball?? I succumbed to the hype and just bought two bottles of jack Daniels. Sorry @RidgeRacer no ice machine in the hotel house but I have two ice cube trays
  7. Thanks what rock has Eaf been hiding under for the last few weeks.
  8. Because during these two weeks if less people interact with one and other and spend time in crowded setting they’ll be less likely to spread the virus more. Yes in two weeks and six weeks people will continue to be infected but the goal is to spread out the rate of infection so that hospitals do not become filled beyond capacity. If 250,000 people are infected in the next two weeks it’s wag worst than 250,000 people being infected in the next two months.
  9. It’s their business they can be open if they want to or not. Hair salons are closed as well. 99% percent of dental visits are to clean teeth or maybe fill a cavity. If you have a dental emergency and your dentist is closed you can go to the ER
  10. They’ll very likely be closed longer...
  11. If I was a dentist I would not be taking patients until this gets under control.
  12. This is why I’m not allowing customers in my office.
  13. Sam Bennett is a local allentownian who owns a bed and breakfast. I don’t understand the five day testing??
  14. Worst case model... https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2020/03/cdcs-worst-case-coronavirus-model-210m-infected-1-7m-dead.html?fbclid=IwAR3VOSbpqCsmbC6JOFRUIMoHJ1noQkiW6bUJR4LR6ShQNWe1KyU-0ZSDdhU
  15. Well and I’m just starting to deal with your generation a little bit and you aren’t wrong...if I tell ok boomers I’ll have a proof/drawing for them in a week they’re cool with that and the 30 year olds will say is there anyway you can get me that faster. Kyle at least you’re saying it and not me. Literally Thursday night a male bartender I know who works at a golf course was bragging about how much he makes and now he’s crying poverty on Facebook since he’s out of work and hoping for trump to send him money..sure the check is in the mail...
  16. Yeah well some said they haven’t even used their multi resort passes yet and were planning on using them for spring trips. I always used to think skiers were mainly salt of the earth people or rich folks but some of these Ikonics are rediculous. People can hate on the OK boomers but most of those complaining are millennials.
  17. Yup and sorry you don’t get a senior citizen discount for Depends
  18. Good one...
  19. The people in the Ikon Facebook group are looking for compensation and talking about a class action lawsuit against Alterra. Jackson hole is actually gonna give their season passholders some sort of compensation or credit for closing 4 weeks early.
  20. Don’t get any ideas if I was gay id probably go for Shadows aka long dong silver wahahahah
  21. Yup and making it an entire ski season without shitting in ski boots.
  22. Thanks Barb..and who knows maybe they’ll get Abasin open in May
  23. You mean tree fiddy yeah would be super sick Larry Bird tweet tweet.
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