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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I’m still not getting much info on the six pack situation at Blue.
  2. This is about Jackson frost not Jackson hole you dingleberry
  3. Lifts get old..like everything else. Shit Jackson hole had to replace their Tram and had two tramless seasons..
  4. Correct. So far for Allentown .36” of rain through 9am
  5. Take it to the WTF weather thread and be happy for the 15 or so cold days we’ve had and couple minor snowfalls.
  6. Maybe @phillycore Sunday?? @AngryHugo hasn’t been at Blue in awhile.
  7. Where have VTMark and @Justin been??
  8. Blue post the same thing on their Facebook neato. Toast are you party rocking tonight??
  9. Fireworks are now Sunday at 5pm
  10. Just an FYI blue is open tomorrow 8-4
  11. My chat privileges were disabled.
  12. I meant quad. I can’t even find on blues website that the six pack is down. Says 36 of 40 runs open and 10 of 16 lifts. Navigating blues website is like an old Run DMC song. It’s tricky
  13. I’m gonna ask them about getting a VIP line for the six pack.
  14. Especially for Root lol
  15. I won’t even ski runs the first day they’re open anymore at Blue. Just asking for a wasted run maybe by Sunday it will be decent. Good on Blue for getting that open..having everything open before February isn’t bad at all.
  16. Blue should just close tomorrow but they have winterfest so I don’t know. Maybe I sound petty bitching about weekday morning crowds but there were numerous people blocking the gates for the quad yesterday and like a mini liftline 10 chairs or so within two runs...I do get a kick out of the weekday morning crowd..not so aggro like weekday nights or weekend mornings..the majority of the people headed straight for paradise the first run and definitely some old ass skis like K2 Merlin’s
  17. That was me yesterday...9am opening allows everybody to be there for opening and it’s busy right off the bat.
  18. It looks crowded on the webcam. Any line for the quad??
  19. Yeah they upped it at least on NOAA...
  20. How big is the drop? Nice option for those who want to get sendy.
  21. Tomorrow is 100% out for me now. Just set up an appointment at work. This almost snowless ski season has been great for business.
  22. I like the access to the sixer better than the quad..the readers at the quad get backed up way more. I sort of think people wait in front of the readers to wait for their buddies. Last Thursday the six pack was down but they miraculously got it to run over MLK weekend.
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