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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Paradise and Burma tomorrow.
  2. Mmmm I love chocolate @saltyant balls around the holiday.
  3. You’re thinking of a fluffer in a gang bang..totally different.
  4. The compression after the falls can be goofy early season...hopefully the groomers use the fluffer attachment tonight and get the cookies sorted out.
  5. @saltyant I fucked SaltyAnt last night. It was great!!!!
  6. Wow just wow
  7. You got this ridge!!!
  8. Hey maybe listen to this on the way to skiing tomorrow...
  9. Falls is a double black diamond..yes it’s important.
  10. Excellent not many ski areas post projections.
  11. No challenge and yes to crossover which is a single black diamond trail.
  12. Wow that’s crazy they only had like four trails open today.
  13. Shadows when are you gonna come play skiing??? It’s pretty good now..
  14. My hotel house has more snow than Blues lower lot..mad cypress hill..i’d like to ski down Cypress Hill cause it would be insane in the membrane..
  15. On the drive back I was thinking about the lower lot how legit it is down there. We might have to have a sausage Sunday soon..I only have summer sausage spring gloves and winter beer and it’s still fucking fall... Nice early empty runs and cord...amazing snowmaking..JADIP
  16. My friend sent me this about this mornings weather.
  17. That is a beautiful sight!!!!
  18. Hey All, I’m posting this report from the lot at Blue. I arrived at the upper lot around 830am and it was 13 degrees wirh moderate winds and sunshine. Last day to park at the upper lodge. In the house were BenM, Toast, Ryan, Mute, TP4, Johnny Law, ZZSlope, Hayata along with some college kids, NY Asians and OK boomers. BenM and I had the first civilian Main Street chair and the snow on midway and lower Main Street was great newly flown pixie dust. Lazy mile and upper Main Street were also really nice and smooth..come around had nice cord and some new features including a disco box and stairset to add to the rest of the bonkyard. As the morning progresses Lazy became a sugar factory and Main Street got a little cookied up...I skied till 11 and currently finishing up beer number one a long trail double IPA green mountain haze and thinking about another before I go back to the A for lunch and a nap. JADIP
  19. Just finished up..sitting in my car drinking a beer thawing out my toes.
  20. Drove past a car fire on the way up in Laureys station could affect TP4
  21. I’m here where is everybody?? Last time st the top..feeling farty.
  22. I’ll be up Saturday and Sunday open to when I’ve had enough beer!!! Finally a weekend with no rain
  23. High five. Not going to karaoke tonight either..I need good sleep and I doubt many peeps will be out on this cold night.
  24. The most important thing is I brought my beer inside from my car to fridge.
  25. Nah he hasn’t logged in since late 2014
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