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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Have fun I gotta rest up for karaoke. I’ll be there tomorrow prob like 630-7
  2. A little Heli ski stoke from Utah. It was shot last season but posted today.
  3. Will be a novelty not having a rope drop tomorrow when I ski after work. I’ve mostly been second chair so far this season. Slowing down.
  4. Imitation is flattery plus you can probably pull off the Dad jokes better than me.
  5. Nice I hope you did a credit check on her to make sure she’s a suitable mate.
  6. Yeah cause he’s funny.
  7. Wow just wow. Coldplay was playing on the radio the other day and reminded me of you
  8. You’re welcome and anytime.
  9. Well we’ve made it to hump day which means another weekend at Blue mountain the true mountain is around the corner. Anybody skiing this weekend? Looks like nice clear weather and more overnight snowmaking...additional terrain and commaradedie expected...best of all no rain.
  10. I’ll look for you on the webcam
  11. Not good...I still think we get lazy and upper Main this weekend. Maybe even tomorrow. Toast and Indiggio you’re invited to night ski with me and Atomic Jeff and Law Thursday night.
  12. Sadly it bumped the humidity up forcing the true mountain to turn off their cannons.
  13. Welcome Back Senor JADIP
  14. Guns on is great.
  15. I guess you didn’t see RideDE report.
  16. Despite all the posts Root deleted my post count remains the same.
  17. It’s fun when they do snakes down lazy mile.
  18. Correct @skidude
  19. Will you be there?
  20. Sweet what time do people start lining up for first chair?
  21. Trying to bring cold Vibes +++++++++
  22. The racing program begins this weekend as well
  23. Oh Lordy I know GSSucks and Justo were there.
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