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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Probably booked last minute and only winter weddings available. What a ding dong
  2. That was radical.
  3. Oh shit that's right...it's a 4:25 start. Totally forgot. You can watch the game on the lift.
  4. Why automatic win for the Pats.
  5. True Blue in the valley open 10-4 this weekend
  6. JLAW if you want I’ll keep an extra pair of ski socks in my car...in case you ever forget...
  7. As long as they don’t mess with the PASR row or Slims row or where ZZSlope parks
  8. Just an FYI the true blue store is now in the adventure center which I believe is the tubing lodge hours are 9-5
  9. Yup for condos and homes. The real deals are in December for their golden ticket promotion. Lots of 2 for 1s on food and drinks specials and 40% off lift tickets but unfortunately it’s in December this year instead of Manuary as in years past.
  10. Thank you sometimes I feel like Rodney Dangerfield..I get no respect even though I’m the second best poster here.
  11. Bahahahaha
  12. He’s just very hormonal...just let him enjoy the sunrises and the landing strips in his grass.
  13. VTMark and you can have a sword fight no homo
  14. Yes yes and then after have good goat with my cousin @RajeevGuptaSucheeta
  15. Thanks and if a random gun goes out let us know.
  16. Wow that was harsh of Toast. You can always turn moms closet into a cry room/safe space
  17. Toast will probably have a pre skiing beer.
  18. An hour less they have to pay the staff. Indiggio you can spend that extra hour pacing around lol
  19. Haha yeah right multiply the higher number by 7 and will be bout tree fiddy people there for the opening. Salty you can go straight to the vista lift and be the first one down lazy mile lol
  20. I laughed since Root doesn’t have a SP
  21. Have a Blast!!! We’ll miss you at Blue this season..maybe you can use Roots buddy pass.
  22. Great toast posting screenshots again. Can’t wait till they turn them back on.
  23. You know Blue mountain is gonna be busy Saturday when even my non skiing customers and people at the bank are talking about Blue opening Saturday. Before social media they’d be open a week or two before the crowds came.
  24. Most of the cannons are shut off...48 hours of straight snowmaking completed any snowmaking tonight and Friday night just icing on the cake...they blew enough snow on vista and Main Street to make it through a month of warm weather.
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