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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I never spent time in Wilmington...just drove past going to DC and DE beaches..smaller Houston wow.
  2. The moguls look good. Nice that you and your wife got some days off work.
  3. Burma chairlift not the run.
  4. Wow just wow. Works fine for me and my phone is old AF
  5. 100% and I hate that they just about never talk about Allentown which is the largest city in the valley.
  6. Wow thought you drove back to DE after riding Killington yesterday.
  7. He’s basic as fuck and him and Tyler are both so watered down compared to the podcasts I normally listen to like Joe Rogan, Joey Diaz, Pauly Shore, Theo Vonn...on and on...I know two people who’ve been on the podcast local comedian Kris Fried and local country music singer Kendell Conrad..I actually know a whole lot more people who were on Tony Ianellis business matters show...I also know somebody who was on judge judy and my aunt had sex with Warren beatty in the 70s
  8. He post a picture on his Facebook with his wife and another woman and a kid at the Renaissance fair and I post “Pimp” and he messaged me saying not to comment on posts with his kid in it....he’s a wet blanket.
  9. We know.
  10. George Wacker thinks I’m a troll so not interested in interviewing me anymore he unfriended me.
  11. They’re more about a late closing than an early opening. @poconoceancity said a few years ago that social media has made for earlier openings. I agree with that. Back pre Internet I had to call Blue mountains snow phone everyday to find out about when they’d open. 1-800-235-2226..montage was 1-800-got snow and hunter was 1-800-for snow. The weather channel also would show snow reports..very basic..base depth..runs open and primary surface conditions and lifts open.
  12. Camelback said a few days ago they’re start Tuesday night.
  13. No idea the temperature is fine as they are blowing in the valley.
  14. MSY mad Steezy yo!!! My friend is at Whole Foods now and they have my drink there.
  15. 6-8 feet deep for opening unless they expand to lazy mile. Believe that...they haven’t had this long of a cold stretch this early in a long time. Teens tonight
  16. They’ve been on for two and a half hours. Is your cap locks button broken.
  17. Wow I wonder what he does for a living.
  18. Wow just wow. He’s probably married with kids by now.
  19. Maybe Xnick and Librider will come back this season...skidude..racerchick..zonked and Papasteeze as well. This is great.
  20. Once a week with such an early start is 20 days...easy peezy and your wife will like having the house to herself while you’re out skiing.
  21. Camelback isn’t gonna be ready to open this weekend. Probably tubing only. If BC opens before Blue they’ll open before camelback. Montage generally doesn’t open until December.
  22. I’ve never been a fan of the Palmerton forecast as it’s only a degree or two colder than Allentown and Blue is usually 3-5 degrees colder. Justin how low has it been since you were at Blue? 10-11 years?
  23. I’ve never been a fan of the Palmerton forecast as it’s only a degree or two colder than Allentown and Blue is usually 3-5 degrees colder.
  24. You know what. That’s not that bleek..with the base they get down the next few days they’ll be able to get through a couple weeks of that kind of weather. Remember daylight hours and sun angle are super low this time of year. What forecast are you looking at for next week? Temperature for blue is typically halfway between Allentown and mount pocono.
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