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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Don’t worry I won’t I like to hear about your Perder skiing in Colorado.
  2. Thanks but we all knew that already
  3. Nice I guess you’re still a jibhonk
  4. Neato while I was still laying in bed my friend text me that she saw mini flakes in the A..I just saw some outside my work and went outside and when the mini flakes hit my face it tickled a little hehehehehe. Stoke market is definitely rising. Now the countdown to when Blue fires up the guns tonight.
  5. You’ll still have it. Do you still rock a neon green jacket??
  6. Do you have to work this weekend? Most people work veterans no. I just believe no mail no banks and government offices and some schools are closed.
  7. Are you really interested? Google
  8. Nah you’ll miss my posts.
  9. Wow RideDE is excited. I’m excited for when he disappears from PASR for the next 5 months
  10. @saltyant if Blue opens next weekend are you ready??
  11. Because they said they’d be on. I thought blues new thing was that they could make snow with the lights out.
  12. More like early evening
  13. That is definitely great and a major compliment coming from Toast
  14. I have to poop.
  15. No way not on a Thursday wow @theprogram4
  16. You’d rather bartend than be a groomer? Snowing at Stowe now.
  17. Valley schmalley we just want to ski. Anything before MLK day is bonus.
  18. Correct
  19. Wow just wow..supposed to be plenty cold tomorrow night. Inversions are worrisome though.
  20. Thanks Salty
  21. Teach him how to Dougie hehehehehe buddy
  22. And I’ll be leaving more. My next appointment isn’t until 2
  23. Wannabe troll is worse.
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