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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. And I’ll be leaving more. My next appointment isn’t until 2
  2. Wannabe troll is worse.
  3. I’m getting excited. This is gonna be great. Ok time to check Blues Facebook again. Wow just wow.
  4. Fried pizza hmmmm I might have to google this place.
  5. You should hit up Old Forge for pizza.
  6. Well everybody around her is so generous and my allentown friends are the same..I might have to buy you another pack of beer nuts for you to eat some Tuesday night.
  7. @saltyant this is great!!!
  8. Saturday? They aren’t even going to start making snow until tomorrow.
  9. RideDE you’re such a retard
  10. They can always make you a new pass your first day. Gift cards for Blue? I have a $100 one a customer recently gave me as a gift.
  11. The last sport coat I bought was for my friends wedding two and a half years ago and it was 85 degrees so didn’t even wear it and when I moved I threw it out. When I was in college I even owned a suit cause I thought I was gonna go work on Wall Street.
  12. I’ll laugh so hard if they forget to make the announcement.
  13. One of the comments said are they going to announce that Jeff Epstein didn’t kill himself lol.
  14. I honestly don’t need them I wear five shirts a week for work and the rest of my clothes are t shirts and long sleeve shirts that go jB drawers. I am gonna have to buy a tie for my cousins wedding this spring as it’s a dressy affair and prob have to drop like $70 on a sport coat that I’ll wear one time.
  15. Normal hangers. I have five. If my wardrobe expands I’ll get get more.
  16. Correct
  17. New clothes period. I only have one dress shirt. Anyway thanks Shadows for tagging me in this.
  18. Oh I don’t know I just made it up...that’s the way all those Hallmark movies are but I’ve never actually seen one. Just seen commercials or SNL spoofs.
  19. Oh I understand they’re a good deal I just spent money on new ski pants last season so not in the market.
  20. I like the one about the big time city girl who moved back to the small town to take care of her sick father and run the store. She kept running into a local carpenter who happened to own the coffee shop in town. She loved the coffee shop and when her father got better her big city sass helped revitalize the coffee shop while his small town charm allowed her to be more town to earth and appreciate more than just clawing your way up through corporate America. Two out of three steezys.
  21. I’m good but not spending $200 on ski pants.
  22. I thought she was Jenny from the block.
  23. I just called that and I got this girl named Jenny who wanted to have a good time.
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