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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. What’s the breakeven point on the Empire frequent skier card?
  2. Did you walk up to touch the snow...how were the leaves??? Cold enough to wear a fleece??? TFTI
  3. @saltyant check this out.
  4. Thanks Jeff...
  5. Only barking bears..
  6. Yeah that’s who I meant. Do you still keep in touch with Ski999
  7. You’re welcome and anytime
  8. What kind of hood shit are you up to?
  9. Oh well..I hope Sibhusky gets through her turmoil.
  10. Lipstick on a pig
  11. Didn’t blue post last year that the new trail was fair game with natural snow but last season we only had a couple small snowfalls.
  12. PASR was founded in 2004 so she wasn’t 11
  13. Wow just wow when I worked at Rita’s Italian ice 24 years ago I put out a tip cup once and we got like 35 cents and had to split it 3 ways..you need Quick Maths to figure that out @RidgeRacer and @Ride Delaware ?
  14. They’re still making payments on the six pack and Blue gets plenty of money from us. A lot of PASRs visit their bar and restaurants and use their ski shop...they get several hundred dollars from each of us in up front money and we aren’t taking up space in the lodge.
  15. This is great @saltyant Moe is gonna groom the leftover perder
  16. Sickbird!!!!
  17. Nice that will go nice between your Bono and George Michael posters.
  18. Nice there’s an I-70 bitch thread on the Teton gravity forums. I’ll have to check it out all kinds of fuckery..that accident back in the fall west of Denver was the worst though...
  19. Salty said bitchass
  20. Waist deep wow.
  21. Hey Salty is just trying to be positive. I have a feeling he saw the sign and it opened up his eyes.
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