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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. It used to be free with a season pass purchase.
  2. Good one ☝️
  3. Do you pay for a ski magazine subscription? I used to get Ski, Skiing, Powder and Snow country subscriptions.
  4. The grand Tetons are gonna get their third or fourth snowfall this weekend. Mid 80s here this Saturday.
  5. Thank you...only two more appointments this week.
  6. Thanks Salty I’m bored as fuck at work today. Business is dead n
  7. When a customer wanted the Edelweiss flower on tombstone it made me want to eat Schnitzel and drink foamy nastar Glenn poured beers.
  8. Badass
  9. If the unemployment rate wasn’t 3% I bet people like that would be fired.
  10. Way to get after it!!
  11. Seems like Salty did a lot of exploring at Stowe, Winter park and Loveland.
  12. You’re welcome and anytime.
  13. I honestly think most are too steep, fast and quickly skied off for Salty.
  14. Yeah cause nobody cares about JFBB all the jibhonks have grown up except Antman and his cousin
  15. @saltyant brush up on your country line dancing before your next trip to Jackson hole for
  16. Monkey push the rock is what I’m mostly thinking.
  17. Are you still down with OPP?
  18. You need to hire an assistant.
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