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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Maybe Phillycore and PARidgeRacer will go back to being instructors.
  2. Toast said it would be by the end of July. I’m still waiting on pricing for the new condos. They said by December of 2015.
  3. We just have to hope that Blue is next. I’ll be cranking dat Soulja Boy
  4. This is great and maybe they will put some capital improvements into JF/BB. Blue should have their new ownership announcement within the week.
  5. I like cousin sex hot...doesn’t matter where you’re from it’s all relative
  6. Starter pack memes are the shit...honorable mention to the Area51 memes. VTMark was gonna go to Area51 but he spent all his allowance money on titty magazines.
  7. It’s the same people.
  8. Dorney Park owns all in terms of trashiness along with some thuggery..the head security guy in this video is now a South Whitehall township police officer.
  9. I’ve had this song stuck in my head since about Noon.
  10. Yeah I saw. That’s so fucked up...as a young black man TP4 I don’t think you should visit Sweden..
  11. Not as many trashy NJ/NYers is my guess..
  12. Looks cool sort of reminds me of lost river caverns in hellertown.
  13. On topic..on hot days like this I have the hot town summer in the city song stuck in my head...I’m staying indoors today except when I go to Whole Foods later and go out to see my friends band tonight...air conditioning set at 66 in hotel room...wooo
  14. Elixir is the shit..he gets away with a lot of fuckery because he’s young. He’s always sneaking into comic cons and even snuck into the NBA all star game. @theprogram4 NELK is taking a little summer break 😞
  15. Out of all places your kids will like Camelbeach the best..can also do mountain coaster, alpine slide and zip line. Funny cause half my summer loving friends are down the shore this week.
  16. Not to be confused with moms not hot.
  17. You need to start using some hair products. Talk to your hair stylist about it. I took an hour and ten minute walk yesterday AM and lost 3 pounds in water weight and drank a bottle of water on the walk and it was like 70 degrees but sticky as fuck.
  18. You’re welcome and anytime. I held back I didn’t mention twiddle or bean.
  19. Masterbation material for barb.
  20. Glenn plake 15 minutes in.
  21. Abasin closed their hike park yesterday. Mammoth is still open. I’ve watched he big ski family all season. They’re hokey as fuck but they skied most of the Rocky Mountain Ikon resorts this last season.
  22. I’ve had my current jacket for 5 seasons.
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