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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. The fence around pool makes it look like a public pool but I guess it’s your moms house.
  2. You really have to turn your notifications off asshole..
  3. Is that a rehab place??
  4. Cool view from webcam at Abasin.
  5. What if they earned their money doing something that was detrimental to society? You stopped drinking yuengling because they hosted either Eric or Don junior...
  6. Yeah saw that about ten minutes after I saw your post. Pretty epic...
  7. Probably just mount Hood in August.
  8. He did. Abasin is now below a 70” base..69” to be exact and weekends only at least the next three weeks Friday to Sunday. The fact that they were open everyday until today is remarkable. Everyday since October.
  9. Way to get after it. There were a bunch of Killington pictures on the Teton gravity forums from yesterday..looked pretty busy. I was in 88 degrees sweating like I popped a molly yesterday in the shallow south. You could perhaps do July at Abasin..it’s going 100 to zero real quick there now.
  10. 8 month ski season. When is big boulder opening?
  11. Haters gonna hate hate hate
  12. You’re welcome and anytime
  13. He did when he went to killington on May 5
  14. Actually my original goal was 5k but now I think 20k is a good goal. Atomic Jeff is at killington now getting after it.
  15. Serious flooding expected this week in the San Juan’s. Thousands of sand bags are ready in lake city and the beginning of the summer tourism season is taking a hit.
  16. My dentist hours. Four days a week is plenty. I worked three days this last week now that’s perfect. The workweek is so much better when you start on Tuesday morning end end Thursday afternoon.
  17. My bro in laws firm in DC does...it’s more of a summertime thing and more big cities. https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/capitalbusiness/on-summer-fridays-5-oclock-comes-early/2016/08/11/5e70e740-5346-11e6-88eb-7dda4e2f2aec_story.html?das=pw_spsrd_hit&utm_term=.a54997925c6d
  18. Some businesses close early on Fridays especially in the summertime.
  19. Who works Friday afternoons lol
  20. I saw video from last week..looked epic. I’m driving down to Virginia now...my ski boots and ski pants were still in my carryon bag from last month. I’ll be on my parents dime for the next few days.
  21. I’m sure he’ll change his mind a few times between now and graduation. Hawaii has a much higher cost of living than Florida and not as many jobs.
  22. And after Tuesday’s shitty conditions this is how Wednesday dawned...2 months after blue mountain closed. Insane in the membrane
  23. Is he the weirdo who fell off the lift at Jack Frost? This is video of two days ago when your son was at Abasin. Yesterday and today were minor pow days there while it is super muggy and moist here in the A..not in my A lol
  24. How do you know which side of the plane the sun will be on???
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