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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I bet you can score an extra 15 likes and gain popularity points with the people that count like Ski2Live and Eaf...
  2. Who’s the investor gonna be. Right now we can only speculate. Reminds me of Speculator New York beautiful country in the southern Adirondacks..if you like Saranac beer you’ll have a good time sitting on the dock of a bay..
  3. Been home for four days..feels nice driving my car compared to the Chevy equinox in Colorado. Shit I’d be fucked getting away from a carjacker cause I’d forget to release the parking brake which is a little flimsy lever @AtomicSkier I give it a Doug score of a fart noise @NMSKI What I like about Colorado is the locals and weekend warriors from Denver and Boulder all like living there and welcome tourists because most of them were once tourists or have only lived out there a few months to a few years so far. Some are on their first decent setup like the guy from Erie on Blizzard 92...he creamed over my Kastles but they’re a hot looking ski and charge through variable conditions well. @saltyant I’m selling my Atomic skis cheap..they’ve been skied on like 15-20 hours max..I won’t even charge you sales tax. Giving you first bid before they hit skidudebay. Just for shits and giggles I looked up a flight that I could make if I wanted to ski Colorado this weekend and be back at work Monday morning. I could fly direct southwest Newark to Denver at 5ish and return at 5ish Sunday from Denver could ski full day Saturday and almost full day Sunday only thing is last minute airfare is $1100. Rental car and lodging and lift tickets would add another $500 and already it’s almost as much as a full week. That’s why booking flights at least one month, preferably two months in advance is the best. I’m actually thinking of doing a southwest flight Newark to Austin sometime that’s where my stopover was. Its apparently a great party town filled with hot women and good food. That’s where all but 32 people on my first flight were headed. @Barb sorry I didn’t meet you in Colorado...thanks for always posting cool pictures and reports. In the words of the Terminator. I’ll be back.
  4. No approvals on the residences at Blue.
  5. Blue was never going to build a hotel. It was going to be timeshare condos and they’ve had brochures and a podium for 4 years. The Sierra club wasn’t happy about how close it was gonna be to the Appalachian trail and bird migration routes. Pricing will be available December of 2015... About 5 years ago they were going to build a waterpark near the entrance to the summit lodge access road and they did some paving for parking and then that got put on hold. Now Barbara green the owner is looking for investors to help with their eastside expansion.
  6. Reminds me of this song.
  7. I recommend a mild dish soap like Dawn, scrub brush and warm water...those are marble memorial stones and the vast majority of what we sell are granite. Granite is harder and holds up to the elements better than marble.
  8. The state rep for the south and east sides of Allentown Pete Schweyer is for a $15 minimum wage but isn’t quite sure about legal weed...
  9. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.forbes.com/sites/mikeadams/2019/04/23/federal-marijuana-legalization-is-close-suggests-canopy-acreage-deal/amp/ wow
  10. Nice you can’t forget him he’s a legend.
  11. It didn’t work.
  12. Wow what a rag tag crew.
  13. Yup May Day at big boulder. Maybe killington in may. Are you on the road this week Salty?
  14. Lift served wow.
  15. I think tubing is still open at the camel.
  16. I thought you said Utah.
  17. Why not out west?? I just wanna live in a hotel room for the rest of my life.
  18. His parents are dead ding ding
  19. I didn’t say he was my friend. Just somebody who went to high school with me. He’s retired at age 39
  20. I’d probably take the Yurt, Golden Retrievers and the Blue blocker sunglasses.
  21. Nice me and Atomic Jeff were talking about skiing in Japan and Johnny Law has been there.
  22. I’m looking for a girl who likes pina coladas and getting caught in the rain.
  23. I know somebody that is the lead singer of a local band called the Atown sluts who uses the copy machines and printers at careerlink to make copies of flyers for shows. What a legend!!! He loves food bank Friday...he was also on Judge Judy a few years ago and won.
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