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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I don’t know about that..they have a super cool dad and don’t have to split cocoa anymore..just comes out of their allowance but they charge Dad 22 cents a sip
  2. Now they are saying limited quantity on passes..SMHerman.
  3. Then get a peak pass so you can ski hunter every other weekend when you don’t have the twins.
  4. Time to google Agatha Christie..must be a Russian thing. Edit: before my time..died in 1976 I’m more of a Mark Twain guy and I like Tom Sawyer by Rush...no relationship to Chris Christie.
  5. 1:45, 2 hours and 2.75 hours respectively.
  6. I think the drive to mountain creek is about the same for Ski2Live as the drive to blue.
  7. At least they like camelback better than Blue.
  8. What’s the difference between ikon base and ikon standard?? Wasn’t camelback an option?
  9. Yup the Root Rollers has mellowed out on NMDW
  10. Is that what millennials are calling masterbation, soloing??
  11. Jeff and salty are bros. You missed a lot this last weekend at Blue
  12. Toast did you ski Blue this morning??
  13. By the time you go to JH you’ll be competent skiing bumps and steeps abs trees and there’s more than 3-4 groomers.
  14. People die in their 50s all the time. We’ve set entire truckloads of tombstones of people born in the 50s and 60s but luckily most people make it to at least age 75 for men and 80 for women...
  15. That was great!!!
  16. Yup Jackson’s groomers are not as forgiving as in Colorado and can be crowded.
  17. Yup I didn’t want to get written up. Are you still in Malvern? Maybe JFDan wants to meet you for dinner sometime this week.
  18. SallyCat didn’t like when Salty would spell tracks as tra.x She’s been working a lot in Vermont. Hasn’t skied that much but has met some hippies.
  19. Thanks Salty I’m blushing.
  20. I don’t ski corbetts I mainly ski the single blacks at JH and only one or two of the doubles..Eaf there are also some easy groomers at JH for the herbs.
  21. By you guys you mean Ryan, Mute and Toast right lol
  22. Yeah he wouldn’t buy used ski boots WTF lol
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