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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Hey All, I’m back from opening day of the 24/25 ski season at Blue mountain the true mountain. I arrived at the lower lot at 8:18AM and it was mostly cloudy with temperatures in the mid 20s with brisk winds. In the house were Mute, Atomic Jeff, Johnny Law, Mixilplix, PARidge, Airhead, Dirtwolf, Matt Edge, Bethlehem Fords crew minus Jimmy, Charles, Spider, Slim, NMSki, Rodney and many others. The OG six pack and super summit safari six opened right around 9am and I began on the OG six and was third chair and our fearless leader Atomic Jeff snagged first civilian chair. Paradise had very good coverage, wasn’t full width though maybe 2/3…was solid firm cord to start..Skied that again and some cookies and Boilerplate began to be exposed. Then up the SSSSP up to easy out to vista to burma, Burma had decent snow but pretty contested, skied Paradise again and getting busy…the slowest people seem to ski the widest but it is a slow skiing trail. They were blowing snow on Come Around, Midway, the chute, lower Main Street and upper razors. Sadly they haven’t blown any snow on Coming soon. I hit up Burma one more time and extra busy and paradise a few more times to end my session. The last run on paradise I actually had a pretty clear section in the middle so could let the skis run. Fun parking lot, had hard iced tea and then a couple beers…hungout with many people and caught up on what everybody did over the summer…good VIBES all around but sort of thought they would have blown more snow during this cold period as two years ago and last year they had a shorter window and got coming soon open early but for coming soon to open they need to run the quad. Anyway as Johnny Law says any skiing before MLK day is bonus JADIP ski many of you tomorrow.
  2. Come around, midway and lower main are my guess
  3. Is there really no coming soon tomorrow? They saving for the weekend or don’t wanna run the quad?
  4. @saltyant this is getting good!!!
  5. WOW must be a microclimate hard to believe how much Dirtwolf received.
  6. Everybody remember your passes…poles..wallet..skis…steeze…boots…
  7. A lot of kids had their first cig or joint on those middle school ski club nights. Great stuff!!!
  8. I bought new ski stuff for the first time in two years. So far new poles and a new pair of socks. Spent over $70 at Buckmans. Gonna have to order new spring gloves online, they have nothing decent there for gloves.
  9. Vamos
  10. They might be pounding out snow on Coming Soon
  11. Dime wears rose colored glasses…I try to be an optimist but I’m more of a realist…
  12. What was funny is Johnny style who’d been skiing there since the 80s never even skied it when I visited. I want to go back though. Not a lot of powder hounds like most places.
  13. I can’t wait to ask everybody how Floyd’s is @enjoralas calls it Lloyd’s lol
  14. Is lower main gonna make or break your experience? I’m one of those it’s all about the base people cause seen too many ski seasons where they either had to close a few days or down to almost nothing cause spread so thin…one more cold spell like this before Xmas they’ll be like 2/3 open
  15. I think Blue has pretty legit trail names IMHO..at least it’s not some theme like Shawnee or Camelback. I’d Blue mountain had a pirate theme or like some sort of Disney+FurryFocker thing would be wicked weird
  16. My skis are dryer and older than you know what lol
  17. Hey All, It’s almost opening day and opening weekend. In two and a half short days, Blue mountain the true mountain opens for their 48th season. They snowmaking cannons have been going balls to the walls for several days and continued seasonably cold weather with periods of sun and clouds will persist throughout the weekend. Anybody planning on skiing this weekend or are yall waiting until more terrain opens? I’m planning on being there…and I think it’s gonna be a nice opening weekend. I usually don’t start these threads until Wednesday but I’m so Excited….
  18. I’m 99.9% sure not
  19. I agree and mentioned it. When I was in middle school the beginner package with the school with first time lesson vista and school hill ticket and rental was like $20 and lift and rental was $19 for all area ticket and just lift ticket was $14. There were also coupons galore for like $25/35 first time in skis packages. The barrier to entry to ski a lot is high but to just learn at a local spot maybe should be a little less cause you hook them and then they buy a bunch of stuff
  20. Have you skied Long shot at Aspen Snowmass yet? Interesting him to blue square trail that’s super super long
  21. I think their focus is on getting a solid base on Paradise, Barbs Bush and easy out vista to Burma. Lazy is a fairly fast run for them to open, people on Blues FB were complaining about Main Street.
  22. You love sitting on the back of your skis for that extra boost.
  23. I’m guessing 17+ trails 4-6 routes. Gonna be a real nice one. The new Blue is spoiling us early season. No upper lot Main Street chair mumbo jumbo. The Chinese downhill is fun but love the cruising options for opening day and people spread out more.
  24. They could easily open tomorrow or Wednesday but the juice isn’t worth the squeeze..build up that base expand the terrain. The guy who runs snowmaking and mountain operations doesn’t mess around…high five to the snowmakers out in the cold
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