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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Jeff let Root into the group chat OMG..must be because he was invited to his wedding.
  2. Welcome back. No suggestions from me as most of the ski instructors at Blue are intermediate skiers.
  3. No updates from Root..WTF!!! He’s probably too busy exploring the best glades south of Jackson frost.
  4. The squall just moved through state college. I heard up to a 1/2” in the Lehigh valley and up to an inch in the pocono. Good thing schools are closed today.
  5. Looks great on the webcams and the serious cold hasn’t set in yet. Enjoy. There could even be a snow squall around mid day.
  6. Salty be careful at Stowe. Thought this was you.
  7. 10” new at SR...have fun!!!
  8. Yes!!! There’s a nice cornice forming above blue bomber..I’d do a few pole whacks first for stability before dropping in.
  9. Wow Tarpenhead is savage as fuck. Doesn’t matter what the weather is there’s free breakfast at the inn
  10. Magic..did you happen to see the forecast for Jackson hole. We arrive on Tuesday. Next time go on a ski trip to Southern California.
  11. Magic..did you happen to see the forecast for Jackson hole. We arrive on Tuesday.
  12. It’s just showers. You’re good. If it rains hard they give out free garbage bags you can wear over your clothes
  13. That forecast is for town not the mountain and only a 40% chance and starts late Monday ends early Wednesday and rain/snow and that’s for town.
  14. The Buoy in Beltzville just popped
  15. I see snow in the forecast next week for stowe.
  16. Dude above average temperatures for stowe is 20s instead of below zero.
  17. Definitely 3” solid now in the A. Temperature is just below freezing and the roads are semi bad...I’m thinking we could end up with 5-6” total. Probably a foot at blue depending on which ruler they use.
  18. Also Ski2Live asked on blues Facebook to leave runs ungroomed for a pow day tomorrow. I like his optimism.
  19. I saw the post I think they mean 6” total will fall which is very likely. Toast how was your drive home?
  20. Sooner the better. I regret not being there now oh well..must be 2” already.
  21. We’ve always known you’re a weirdo
  22. Sophia and she said if I travel to Thailand she’ll make me soup. I like soup.
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