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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Nice I haven’t seen Mauser since like 2010
  2. You never get drunk?? What about when you went with your pal to see Bruce Springfield and you split a steak and got a good night kiss?? New page what what.
  3. Correct exactly 2/3 of the way to their 39 runs or is it 40 now...
  4. No it makes you a pussy.
  5. I’ll be up tonight around 645ish...I hope I can ski all 26 trails...maybe tomorrow morning as well depending on how much snow falls.
  6. Haha we aren’t drinking the kind of quantity of alcohol that wedding patrons drink. I’d say that 95% of the parking lot beer drinkers have 1-3 beers total..social drinking not getting wasted.
  7. Thanks for the report Mute...the crossover under the 6 pack is a great run...so many nooks and crannies to explore. Woo woo for lower park...been enough cross country skiing this season.
  8. Makes sense...seems like the Jerry move...
  9. What location is that forecast for and which weather source. I haven’t been seeing many forecasts with snow totals yet. I don’t think anybody here would poo poo 5-8”
  10. What about Root??
  11. I think the main difference is that ZZSlope is mainly at blue at opening so he’s getting the legendary Burma road during good conditions..Eaf..get excited..likely snow is coming late tonight and Saturday night. Maybe Salty will let you try out his RTM powder skis
  12. Did you eat anything good in the lodge???
  13. You went from November 29 until this week without posting??
  14. Kyle skis blue like once every three years. He’s irrelevant
  15. This storm could be good for the base.
  16. Welcome back!!!! Happy new year...
  17. You’re welcome and anytime.
  18. No it was me who asked multiple times for racks on blues Facebook and the last time they finally said they’d look it it. I forgot to mention the racks yesterday. Or should I say racks on racks.
  19. I’m glad Blue has steps again...those were always fun to ski down
  20. Homestretch hero??
  21. For sure because it was home to big dog booters. The old sidewinder Park had huge features, a school bus and the crackerbarrel was rad..there was also a halfpipe
  22. Him, Matt Stunt, Maggie Stoudt, BigBen Fat, Michael Maniscalco..that’s back when Blue had a Park scene. No serious park riders are gonna call blue home anymore. It’s almost 2 months into the season and they have one booter.
  23. Why am I the only person that remembers anything. Root the season ski patrol aired was the year the ski patrollers at Blue were the worst 2008-09 and that was also your first season regularly skiing at Blue. Remember you carpooled up to blue on Root Friday with Hardline from Alpinezone. That’s back when you were a gaper.
  24. Yup Sammy Strohl was on the program crying. Amazing that he’s now like 25
  25. What’s the new dining facility??
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