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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. If blue has the $399 season pass deal again that might be the best deal for you and you get the remainder of this season free as well.
  2. Toast you should go skiing tonight. Make some night moves
  3. I’m not racist my parents once had a black dog and I loved it just the the same as other dogs.
  4. Because if I had an African American employee I’d have to give them off for MLK day
  5. Good they need to make that Johnny cash. My work is open as normal on MLK day. Everybody that works here is white.
  6. Yup born in Babalona moved to arizona king tut. I know that song cause my 6th grade social studies teacher played it and he even did the walk like an Egyptian dance.
  7. We’ll see this isn’t my first rodeo. Five days out they always make these into 36+ hour long duration events and when the storm occurs they seem to wrap up way faster. It it precipitates all day Sunday that would be great.
  8. Has Jack Frost added any new lifts or trails in the last 20 years??
  9. He’s saying that many other ski resorts have a run called Main Street. It’s crazy my grandparents used to live on Main Street and they didn’t even ski or give a fuck about Disney.
  10. All Falls Down..Kanye West
  11. That dreamweaver song from Wayne’s world.
  12. Tangled up in Blue by Bob Dylan
  13. Wow just wow and I’m thinking about making night moves tonight!!!
  14. I was in Jackson hole for that one.
  15. He’s excited to travel and see his brah..
  16. Wow just wow...I’m sure the drive up Sunday morning will be fine. Most of the storm should be over with by then. Looks like maybe some pow pow Friday morning as well.
  17. I hope you get extra paid time off to make up for that.
  18. 6-8” at opening total around a foot and yes there was a nice base from previous storms. The huge storm was 2016 This weekends storm is too far out to know what will happen...but likely will be a mix.
  19. That’s bad customer service and putting a PPL employee on blast is messed up.
  20. Nice write up Dan!!!
  21. I think most wedding bands are about $1,000 per person..if I got married and had a band I’d just want Ski2Live and the tall brunette..or could probably just hire Matt Edge to DJ for about tree fiddy
  22. What about all the people with second homes at camelback and Jack Frost/BB...anyway a hotel is needed. Who would want to have a wedding somewhere without accommodations. Crazy.
  23. That info booth has been there for three years. Anyway they said pricing would be available December of 2015.
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