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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Sure..GSSucks, Root, Toast, GSS, BobLikesCats, Sexkitten, Johnny Law, Noxidee, AngryHugo, Noxidees Brother, Atomic Jeff and Vinny.
  2. Hey All, It’s almost another weekend, who’s going to be at Blue mountain the true mountain this weekend? Looks like warmish temperatures and rain soaked snow tomorrow and drying out as the weekend progresses. I’ll be up tomorrow. Sunday I’m going to visit family...could be semi empty tomorrow because of today’s rain which is good due to the available terrain
  3. The reviews for the 95 were really good...you think it matters that much to me? You think I’ve always skied on stiff ass mantras...fuck I’ve skied through the steepest tightest woods on skinny ass skis filled with core shots....you think I’m a gear head..you think if I see another pair of skis I like next month I’ll buy em??? Did you know I was born with a hole in my ass and haven’t shit myself in years. Whats a simpler powder ski??? Do you even ski powder...
  4. 115s are my shiros replacement. For pow days and slush days. 95s daily driver..along with mantras. Everything confuses you
  5. Eaf were you up for opening? It was like a carpet woo.
  6. That’s super fast turnaround. I just said I wanted them by noon Saturday and they said that’s cool. They have Volkyl skis now at TrueBlue they said for the first time. They also said they’ve been busy and running out of a lot of stuff. I actually got the last pair of 27.5 ski boots but that’s a popular size.
  7. I like almost all Chevy chase movies. The most recent one I remember seeing him in is either Vegas vacation or Orange County. Both from around 2001
  8. Main Street was finally reopened from the top and no bumps so very wide..it became a little icy and chunky after a few runs..that’s what is known as lipstick on a pig. Lazy mile to falls also a carpet earlier and became sugar extraordinarily fast considering the lack of people. Bethlehem ford guy Kurt was also out on his new skis. He has some giant lifter plates woo. Paradise was pretry nice initiallg also became mad sweet and low by 1000am. One run me Indiggio and root stopped at the corner to admire barbs bush..that is gonna be one gnarly intersection. I ended up skiing 13 runs from 830-1040 then had a quick beer in the lot and drove over to near the tubing lodge and took the homeboy way around to True Blue sports shop which I’ve never been in before. Was a nice time to go..only one other customer who came up to me and shook my hand knows me from the parking lot..I don’t remember him but must have been foggy that day. I wanted the Look pivots but were over $300 so settled on tyrolia binders for my Atomic 95s and already had Looks that I bought online to mount to the Kastles..also bought a pair of nordica speedmachine 110s. I had the same boots two boots ago..they fit nice and 315 BSL so Johnny Law and Atomic Jeff and maybe even Matt edge can try out the kastles. 10% discount on boots and binders...free mount for atomics and $80 on the mount for kastles...binding prices are about $100 more at blue than online so a total wash really except better variety online. I’m happy to give them some business over Buckmans and skis will be ready by noon Saturday so one more day on the old boots..JADIP. See some of you Saturday morning for hopefully some nice soft and fast snow.
  9. Have fun and post a report!!! Looks like possible snow out there...
  10. Can a mod change the date to 12/20??? Thanks.
  11. They have night priced tickets available this afternoon 12-4
  12. On the way home from Blue...full report later but I thought I’d start the report now. There was an inversion at 8am with the temperature of 31 degrees at the summit entrance and 25 in the valley. In the house were Shadows, Toast, Indiggio, TP4, VTMark and Root. Initially the snow was a carpet. Western groomers.....to be continued.
  13. Wow then how did you know about the 3 amigos?
  14. Did you ever see the movie the 3 amigos??
  15. Good questions salty...I didn’t know there was a diving season.
  16. Wow just wow well talked to him for a minute and I think Eaf was behind us on paradise. Salty are you gonna be at Blue mountain Saturday???
  17. I sort of skied with Eaf last night.
  18. Way to get after it!!!
  19. Wow TP4 I was right...somebody log onto MySpace and tell Matthew edge and Nastar Glenn that blue is closed tomorrow night.
  20. I’m so used to wearing upper body under armor when it’s below 45 degrees. Lower body only when it’s real cold...last night I was a four layer player..under armor, long sleeve shirt, fleece and shell..was just barely warm enough not toasty. Been a mostly chilly start to the season.
  21. Nice report...did they reopen come around park or upper Main Street??
  22. I really like my helmet though.
  23. Yeah and getting my new skis mounted and shopping for new boots maybe even pants. I dont know if i’ll be up for opening. Depends how bright eyed and bushy tailed I am when I wake up.
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