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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. That wasn’t opening day.
  2. Wow I remember that day.
  3. I hope you post this much during ski season and meet the PASRs!!
  4. It was the first night of snowmaking with marginal temperatures...wait until midweek if temperatures stay as forecasted and they’ll light up lower Main Street and midway..all out assault..operation blizzard 2.0
  5. Vista is harder to get open than lower Main Street. It’s a lot wider and the snowmaking cannons are farther apart. The main test will be midweek. If they can get 36 hours of blowing and another 36 hours in early next week all systems go. The one year they opened with just vista lift the line for Vista was prohibitively long within 2-3 runs.
  6. The fact that they were even on...on Nov 10th still blows my mind It’s happened earlier in years past.
  7. Boom!!! RideDE is the weather maven here. He knows wazup!! root will be at Bell on root Friday if Blue isn’t open...you can believe that.
  8. You belong in ski resort management. Let them know how to run their businesses
  9. Thanks
  10. No no no and no. Stick to leaf peeping
  11. Stop
  12. This thread is for last season
  13. Yeah so far trust me the 15 year old who runs blues social media doesn’t know anymore than us.
  14. They don’t keep all the lights on all night long at blue anymore.
  15. This is really early in the evening for them to start blowing. I wish their Main Street cams worked.
  16. Root you were first to post congrats!!
  17. This is great.
  18. It’s 35 degrees in the A and temperatures are dropping. I’ll be checking out the blue webcams later tonight and in the morning. High five for stoke pass it down
  19. TP4, PoconoOceanCity, Phillycore, Enjorales, Toast, TP4, Atomic Jeff and VTMark usually go.
  20. What time is the big game on?
  21. Nothing in the long range is scary. Tonight they blow the mice out and Tuesday night Wednesday they start to blow piles
  22. What’s the square root of 69? Ate something lol
  23. Wow just wow...glad you like PASR..do you think you skied more last season because of PASR
  24. There could be round the clock snowmaking at Blue on Wednesday.
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