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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. It’s beginning.
  2. Have you ever met Trackbiker...he might be a real tough guy like TTC6
  3. He’s never even skied with any PASR in the 13 years I’ve been here. He’s irrelevant.
  4. He never said how it was.
  5. You didn’t answer my question
  6. Hows Big Bear??
  7. The Stoke Market is rising... big ski industry party this last weekend at Crested Butte..true ski bums wear their sunglasses on the brim of their hat during a ski flick.. gonna be a snowy winter!!
  8. This is badass
  9. You can test if your outerwear is waterproof in today’s weather. It’s misty here and 68 degrees. Tomorrow it’s supposed to be back in the 80s and sticky and moist.
  10. The closest high mountain place to go would be Loveland Pass about 60 miles west of Denver...
  11. Have fun. How early are you getting in Sunday??
  12. Wow nice...are you only going to be in denver??? Please post on your airline adventures...
  13. The forecast is actually cooler for boulder today than Silverthorne. That is some weird wild stuff
  14. Wow better bring in tropical pets.
  15. Temperature 84 degrees heat index 88 and my work has a bee infestation. I talked to our lawn guy and they’re yellow jackets which is a type of wasp. He recommended honey and Borox.
  16. For anybody who hasn’t yet purchased a season pass for this season..passes valid everyday are still on sale for only $499
  17. Best answer in this thread!!!
  18. Doesn’t mount snow open with top to bottom typically? Me and Atomic Jeff were at mount snow opening weekend about a decade ago and were offered a full 1700 vert I believe. Was nice to have a leg burning run.
  19. You're right. In addition to the teaching thing I also did the ski marketing thing. Same premise certainly applies I can’t have a job where everybody is having fun while I’m working. My job is great cause even if I’m having a bad day, my customers are having a worse day.
  20. How long were you an instructor? I remember that it was tough for phillycore to quit because he believed they depended on him. I just couldn’t imagine being at the mountain for 8 hours.
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