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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Be sure to get there well before they open for best selection.
  2. Are you still working at the gym? Any job will be a breath of fresh air not having to grade papers and tests evenings and weekends and dealing with rich kids parents. Funny you also got free food as a teacher.
  3. Oh gotcha. Your wife must have had kids young. I saw the pictures of them ripping at Bear tooth pass in the Teton gravity forums.
  4. Jordan you have a kid?? How old??
  5. My mom always told me I should get a job in the ski industry since I like skiing. That’s so stupid. That’s like getting a job working at Dorney Park because you like riding rollercoasters. As Dom said,” dont turn your hobby into a job”
  6. If you’re a ski instructor you’ll ski less. If you’re a ski instructor( a few dollars here and there, you have to buy jacket, training, classes, a lot of hours standing around in ski boots on flat terrain, free season pass, discounts on passes for family). If you’re not an instructor can just spend several hundred on season pass and really take advantage of your flexible schedule by skiing a lot. You live close enough to blue and camelback that you can ski if you only have a 2-3 hour window.
  7. If you’re a ski instructor you’ll ski less.
  8. It’s not enough pitch based on your description before.
  9. What’s that supposed to mean??? The owner at my local bar is strict. He banned somebody for smoking a blunt in front of the bar.
  10. Those wax pens are great...one guy at the bar has one and it even has a timer on it. I took a rip literally 6 feet away from owner and he just figured it was nicotine vape lol.
  11. If it’s steep enough.
  12. I would disagree on that but somewhere between refrigerator temperature and room temperature.
  13. No idea...I don’t do coke.
  14. My friend Lenny who’s a cokehead has the ISnort app on his iPhone.
  15. Shadows you are on fire today!!!!
  16. Isn’t it Oktoberfest..
  17. And England
  18. Where do they serve warm beer??
  19. I miss Johnny style digital volcano. That thing was $750 but he’s a rich lawyer and can afford it.
  20. Wow I figured you would have been asleep for that
  21. That’s cool that your apartment complex allows dogs. My friend manages a complex and she said they do DNA testing on dog poop to track who’s dog is the offender. Crazy.
  22. TP4 did you get any storms??? We had some and only 3/10 of an inch of rain.
  23. We are having storms now. Thunder lighting rain wind and hail. If a tornado ripped through my hotel room I’d be screwed im not even wearing any pants and my wallet and keys would be swept up in debris. I might even have to buy new ski pants.
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