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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Titty sparkles!!!! The west for me starts on the other side of Root 100
  2. It’s hard for PA people to be objective when discussing ski areas out west. Everywhere is awesome..especially seven springs the day Toast was there.
  3. I’ll ski with you anyday if it’s not the first hour or so when the pace is Mach looney
  4. I’ve found prices out west have gone up and prices at Blue have gone down. I miss JLaw
  5. Last night at my friends house I did two dabs. Woo had me blunted and got a couple tarantulas.
  6. Indiggio I like how you use the word Pike to describe going somewhere far. Like how you had to pike it all the way to the quad at blue when the six pack was down. Jews use the word Schlep
  7. Does she ever ski at blue.
  8. I have a season pass to Blue mountain ski area. See you all in the upper lot Root Friday.
  9. Wow do you rent the condo out in OCMD? What did you do for a living down there?
  10. Do you have your own house?? Are you gonna ski this winter?
  11. And who the fuck is Doug. Stick with screen names
  12. OK based on my math I skied 70 days this last season and saw salty at blue mountain everyday he was there.
  13. You do double diamonds Salty balls
  14. Shadows why are you being a snitch bitch
  15. They say crick right on the Maryland border and delivery guy says it like that but he lives in Barto and is a country bumpkin. He calls dinner supper.
  16. Wow just wow. I played T Ball when I was like 6 and soccer as well and pretty much have despised team sports since except Scholastic Scrimmage in high school. I would try baseball sometime but never softball. Seems like it’s for girls.
  17. I’ll have to look up what that means. Must be a liability thing.
  18. I don’t even have galoshes...I just get wet..and I like it 😉
  19. I appreciate Salty and SallyCat who I used to think were the same person.
  20. Bahahaha I don’t think insomnia is a qualifying condition.
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