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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Take it to the beer thread.
  2. I like when people call it Beth Lee Hem
  3. It’s in the town of Heller. Indiggio is a regular there.
  4. Because discussing the ticket and hearing about others fighting tickets is more interesting than Mount Snow.
  5. OK let’s wait until the wet hot American summer is over before we discuss venues for an off season PASR party. If people wanna do two parties a summer and a fall cool...if they want to do a Lehigh valley and a Philly one cool as well..I just realized it’s been exactly three weeks since the April pow day at Blue..summer is actually flying by.
  6. Never been only saw the commercials.
  7. It’s not gonna happen
  8. Video from Killington https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2074819599403051&id=1487643868120630&notif_t=page_post_reaction&_rdr
  9. That’s like half of PASR...
  10. I don’t think he got reckless driving....that has points attached
  11. I didn’t even know there was a party last year. Enjorales said he had one which I never heard about.
  12. I’ll be planning this falls PASR bar night without Antman and Toasts involvement thank you very much.
  13. The fox and hound is fine and the girls who go to the tally hoe are fine. Hot college girls and hoochie mamas.
  14. How much did the lawyer charge?? I’ve never had a speeding ticket before in PA knock on wood. I have had two in NJ, one in VT and one in Montana
  15. Yeah king of Prussia bar night at the Fox and Hound. It’s a nice venue..and large enough to accommodate a big group. This is a bar night we aren’t looking for a nice to very nice restaurant.
  16. You have to go to court for a speeding ticket? Or do you already have points and would try to fight it?
  17. Yeah take advantage of the under age 30 discount. Pays for itself in about five days. You could go up to mount snow for a whole week if you wanted..YOLO
  18. I still don’t understand why you would have gone to court and why you only got a $50 fine. I once received a $140 fine just for not coming to a complete stop at a four way stop sign.
  19. Nice report. Apparently Killington was a real shitshow yesterday. Somebody was complaining on alpine zone that they were already parked in bay 2 of the P lot at 750am and eventually people parked all the way down the road to snowshed with no shuttles running.
  20. You should join their plastic cup club.
  21. Dude Friday nights the Tally Hoe has a separate room for dancing and a separate room for karaoke. You’ll love it..Kevin Thomas had a blast there on his bday a few years back.
  22. I don’t remember that but I’m in a bit of a fog right now. Was Matt Edge there??
  23. I’ll try to organize a fall PASR bar night at the Fox and Hound for the Philly folks and maybe a Lehigh valley one perhaps at the Tally Hoe in Bethlehem n
  24. I looked it up the deposit is $200
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