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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. I think they just put the deposit on your credit card and as long as you don’t steal or damage the bike it’s not an issue.
  2. Do you mountain bike?
  3. Well for three years we had a PASR bar night at the king of Prussia fox and hound. Maybe this year we should just have it in the lower lot.
  4. To Add to the Saturday Night cringe...I’ve got to give it to those Sheila’s they really can dance
  5. I’m still used to waking up the earliest on weekends. I woke up at 4:44AM this morning. I struggle the most to get up semi early for work.
  6. Not me but I’m a pretty aggressive tree skier...it forces you to really use your brain..ski good or eat wood.
  7. They looks more like rime ice..I saw some patches of snow at bear creek earlier today.
  8. It’s closing weekend at Grand Targhee and they have a 133” base...
  9. 5 or 6 months if you factor in the annual, always a huge turnout PASR party in the fall. Toast has never been to the annual fox and hound get together. Was mostly Philly PASRs plus Atomic Jeff.
  10. Because I already have food here and I’m having a lazy Sunday a day early.
  11. I like how instead of denoting April as 4 you wrote 04...very progressive!!! Any updates???
  12. #Truth and it’s a Suite!!! See you in 7 months Toast ;-)
  13. That’s so messed up that people even ask you that. Some asswipe at the bar asked me how many days I skied this season and I said 70 and he didn’t believe me...I’m the unofficial state manager why would I make that shit up.
  14. Hmmm having to appear in court for going 5 under...only stoners drive below the speed limit. Why would your mom call you an idiot? She should say way to get after it!!!
  15. I like their roasted beef sandwich and fried chicken. Good morning Salty I just woke up. Why the fuck did I think I was gonna go to quakertown for lunch today..funk dat
  16. No more Bobo the clown in an attempt to make the great Allentown fair more family friendly and no more freak shows.
  17. Wow. I'd be down for a little offspring. Was never a big 311 fan They’re playing together. It’s mostly country acts..the grandstand holds about 10,000 people. Gabriel Iglesias is also doing a show there.
  18. I already got my car inspected. I got to drive a sweet new top of the line Impreza station wagon as my loaner car. I think I’m gonna go down to quakertown to McCools Red Lion Inn and visit my friend who bartender there tomorrow. To sweeten the deal I have a $50 gift certificate that a customer told me. Otherwise no real plans..
  19. Never been Your kids would have a blast...rides, games, farm animals, reasonably priced food that you don’t need tickets for. The Offspring and 311 are playing a concert this year.
  20. I’m personally a great Allentown fair guy!!!
  21. Salty are you up to anything fun this weekend??
  22. Looking at old factories isn’t my idea of a good time.
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