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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Hands forward ass up that’s the way we like to tuck..Salty go ahead of us that way you can ski with us for a second or two when we whiz by you.
  2. Moe is next week when I’m in Colorado.
  3. Are you doing Passover with the in laws?? Have some Matza ball soup if you do.
  4. Root you never said if you’re gonna be at Blue tomorrow.
  5. Nice have fun with the strippers...
  6. I’m sure Salty will do the pondskim on his RTM powder skis.
  7. Conditions are gonna be good tomorrow..should start semi firm with overnight temperatures around freezing, then snow will cycle to corn and then mershed PerTerters. Leave your facemask at home.
  8. For those sad about Blues closing, look at the webcams..there’s absolutely nobody there.
  9. And amazing December and January.
  10. It’s always a possibility.
  11. Open till the 8th is good!!
  12. I remember everything...it’s a blessing and a curse.
  13. This is from the top of Nosedive at Stowe in April 2010..Dime got owned
  14. I don’t think you’d like skiing a place like mad river glen...I like the rowdiness of low tide conditions.
  15. I thought Magic was a co-op like mad river glen.
  16. SallyCat inspires me to save more money so I can retire younger
  17. Cool just looked at the freedom pass areas....good that you have an Okemo pass. Some seasons Magic doesn’t open until mid season and only for a short time.
  18. How many season passes are you gonna buy? You’ll definitely become a bump head!!!
  19. It’s just homestretch last year it was way more bare before they closed.
  20. Maybe in the afternoon if it’s not raining and if they open.
  21. How damaged are your skis??
  22. Snow is melting fast and furious with dense fog and overnight lows in the 40s. I hope it’s good enough for Eaf
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