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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Razors looks sweeet. Hey it’s april and blue is gonna be open the next two days...Eaf if you’re at Blue Sunday have a mouthful of sausage in the lower lot!!!
  2. The last run off Lenawee so much untracked.
  3. Where I am now ready for another safety meeting.
  4. ABasin isn’t enough mountain for you. You’d be better off skiing Pikes peak. Earlier refreshment.
  5. I skied several untracked and lightly tracked runs. The key is to stick to the woods and stuff that was groomed before some people gave been getting owned by snowsnakes. Snowing hard heavy and wet. Gonna do about two more runs then stop at mid mountain for a bacon Bloody Mary and an IPA and dry off a little.
  6. I’m gonna buy a two day ticket for A basin today. I think one day is around $95 and two day is around $150..lifts open there 9am Friday’s and 830am Saturday’s. I think today is gonna he a sleeper pow day/rider of the storm with only 2” so far and tomorrow will be a junk show with a lot of snow falling in the next 24 hours...
  7. I’ve seen butch lesbians that look like me..after I shave.
  8. Dumping on the webcams at Blue..dumping here in Silverthorne as well.
  9. I was eating avacado toast way before it was a thing for basic bitches.
  10. Looks pretty darn good to me. Yeah nobody on the run and it’s the middle of the day.
  11. Security stopped me and dime from drinking beers in the lot years ago.
  12. Went to Einstein bagels got avacado toast on poppy bagel and Jalepeano cheddar bagel. Snowing in Silverthorne big fat flakes. Looks like the next three days will be pow days.
  13. Loveland has a nice webcam thats illuminated at night.
  14. That’s really good considering all the time you spent in the studio with the Beagels. Can you play Freebird?
  15. A lot of today was cruising on stuff like this. See how dark it got this is one of the last pictures I took today. In the morning the sun was shining bright like a diamond
  16. These were originally $45 and they are spring gloves and leather.
  17. Gotta have Vietnamese iced coffee with Pho..not cheap was $4.95 but a generous amount usually it’s about tree fiddy
  18. Starting to snow in the mountains. Temperatures up high are below freezing.
  19. The bumps in the second picture look on point.
  20. Bumps were actually on a blue run under the timberline chair maybe 700 vert of Bumps was somewhere between Hollywood and being a competent skiers I think my new gloves helped keep me forward along with bent poles. Visibility and most trails empty made things good today at copper mountain. Was a little chilly to start warmed up into the 40s..some of these lifts are 2k of vert and 10 minutes long. They had two outside mid mountain eateries open the one at the bottom of timberline lift was packed at 11 and pretty warm down there..the waffle hut/bar hippie place near the top of the timberline is much colder therefore was empty. A lot of people had snow stuck to bottom of boots and had trouble getting into binders. Most people I talked to were from the Midwest. All employees super nice...a lot of sales at ski shops.
  21. You want fast snow for the pondskim. It’s a shitshow some years especially the year I freestyle rapped on the microphone..
  22. Wasn’t Casa Bonita in South Park???
  23. 100 tickets sold isn’t that bad for this time of year. A lot of goodwill to the season pass holders. Every time I’ve been to camelback I’ve appreciated Blue more but nice to have the option to ski there if Blue isn’t open until Saturday.
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