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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Indiggio is gonna be happy. Root have fun skiing in the bumps. I know you take risks so get after it hombre
  2. I’m gonna start giving out Dings
  3. The people who run montage are a bunch of puppets.
  4. Everybody skis before because of PASR and Salty said Barb owes me some commish on the extra season pass sales I help generate. Ski2Live and remember you said you weren’t gonna ski as much because of your recording sessions with the Beagels
  5. How's the arm doing? You gonna be good for CO? I’ve been good for Blue so no issue for CO..even if it was broken I would still ski. I think it’s at like 49%. The last time I hurt my arm like this it took like four months for it to heal fully which really hurt my powerlifting routine.
  6. I still know how to do the Macarena although the one move is painful due to my arm.
  7. This is great!!! You can post about KFC in the food thread. Next time you go pick me up some Mershed Perterters no gravy!!!
  8. I’m not a faggola..and it’s the five second rule..I just count slow.
  9. That’s what happens when the guy from LFO eats Chinese food..
  10. Nah Salty is a prude and I don’t think I’d like the taste of dick...grow up Toast.
  11. Matt Edge and TheDude4Bides will be at Stowe Thursday to Sunday..the Matterhorn is gonna be Lit AF!!! Did you know that modern day snowboarding became popular very early on at Stratton and Jake Burton first set up shop in Londonberry before moving his headquarters to Burlington and his residence to Stowe. I rode the lift with Jake Burton when I was in college and he asked me why I didn’t snowboard. I’ve also seen him at Piecasso before.
  12. It’s surprising how many PASRs have the same bed.
  13. I used up .5% of my attachment space for that gif so I better get some likes.
  14. I'm not surprised. I used to be innovative..I went from dancing the dinosaur to being one....
  15. Honestly what can't you get on Amazon any more? I’ve actually never bought anything from amazon before.
  16. You’re only answering in hopes Root gives you a like lol...
  17. My last appointment tomorrow is at 230pm so hopefully I sell them fast and can be at blue by 4-430pm..anybody else skiing tomorrow late afternoon/early evening? Looks like the last semi decent weather until Saturday although there could be a few showers.
  18. You’re really getting your moneys worth out of your max pass.
  19. It would just be my luck and get Spandy Andy lol
  20. Well then call Salty Jenny💕😘💁🏼🙈
  21. Wow that’s cheap..I figured you’d have a water bed...my one friend has one..I always wanted one..most apartments don’t allow them. One of my roommates when I lived in Montana used to have a water bed and it was badass
  22. My parents and my baller friends have those multi thousand dollar beds...I just like a firm mattress..I’ve never experienced the fancy ones so I don’t know what I’m missing.
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