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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Nice report..wow Jerry’s have discovered Mount Snow!!!
  2. I just noticed I beat last seasons total ski days yesterday...while it pales in comparison to when I skied nearly every day a decade ago it proves how long and solid this season has been.
  3. Cool I will soon. Gotta SU first.
  4. Root isn’t a gaper anymore. He takes risks.
  5. Did you see the horse with no name? When are you gonna be back?
  6. No exception at all to parking at the top. If there’s a storm you wanna get on razors first. Only exception is if you are going to trivia Tuesday.
  7. Do you usually park next to Eaf?
  8. OMG not Salty!!!
  9. But you drive by the bottom lot to get to the top lot coming from hazleton
  10. That’s Easter they’re never open Easter. If you dress as the Easter bunny you can probably get a free pass at camelback
  11. You mean red. I got sunburn on our party day.
  12. Hmmm I don’t know if it will be warm enough. Maybe in the afternoon. Overnight lows in the low to mid 20s up there highs will be hard pressed to crack 40 at Blue.
  13. With the high sun angle and unfrozen ground, the snow is melting amazingly fast today...the forecasted high temperature has already been topped in both Allentown and mount Poconos with another 6 hours of daylight remaining. Will be funny this weekend when the herbs come to blue mountain and wonder why it’s icy and where the natural snow is.
  14. Looks a lot emptier at BC than blue based on the webcams.
  15. Wow just skiing the tops? Sounds like you are in the air more than on the ground wow just wow.
  16. But you’re coming from hazleton makes zero sense.
  17. Won’t be rare next season when you only have a season pass at Blue.
  18. Will be better at Blue. Just the kind of snow you like. Packed Perd. Leave your facemask at home it’s spring.
  19. Are you skiing Blue this weekend?
  20. Hey All, Its almost another weekend..who’s gonna be at Blue mountain the true mountain this weekend? Looks like sunny sky’s and comfortable temperatures..should be really nice.
  21. Well toast said it was the best grooming of the year. Sheesh
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