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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. No that's the swamp and he still might send Eaf back to Russia.
  2. I'll jump in the pond...
  3. Nobody is forcing you to read this thread. People can share whatever they want on here and Johnny law gave some good insight as well.
  4. Nice report. Wow it finally stopped snowing...
  5. Wow I never had plastic until college. I remember when taking $60 out of the ATM was a lot..now I'm pissed if an ATM has a maximum of $200.
  6. Most people are pretty dim..sort of like people who stop at the top of an escalator.
  7. Allowance will be a moot point after their Bat Mitzvahs. They'll clean up. I never wanted a Bar Mitzvah, I dropped out of Sunday school in 4th grade so I got a paper route instead. I remember kids getting at least a couple grand for their Bar Mitzvahs. One really rich kid I knew who's dad is a venture capitalist received $5,000 just from his dads business partner. Crazy
  8. Ski2Live don't let your kids see this!!!
  9. I'm learning about parenting. Does your dog hoard its biscuits. My parents agnostic dog does not but hoards squeaky toys.
  10. Does their Does their mom also give them allowance?? Get them real savings accounts. I've had one since I was 5. I used to really rack up the savings as a young kid at Xmas and bdays. A real bank account will show them what interest is like in 2018 not 1979 like the 10% you give them now. When I was ten I had a major interest in salaries and would look at stats on average incomes in different areas and by different professions. I wanted to be a brain surgeon back then because it paid like $400,000 a year. I think the the fact that they are twins neither one is gonna want to have less money than the other which will make them hoard even more.
  11. They have really good Poke at fresh market at the Promenade shops in center valley and also at the Apollo grill in Bethlehem.
  12. Hoarding money is what kids do. I was a much better saver as a kid than I am now. Anyway it's interesting to read about since I'll never have kids..
  13. Well I got an allowance for doing household chores. Between school and being a paper boy, mowing lawns, working at Rita's and fast food and telemarketing, I worked a hell of a lot harder as a teenager than I do now. I definitely don't miss those days..being a grown up is better.
  14. Well I got an allowance for doing household chores.
  15. And Ski2Live is actually enriching himself by getting to ski with his kids cause in a couple years they will be off hanging out at the mall with their friends and being ogled at by older boys. I know when I started skiing regularly in middle school it was $19 for lift ticket and rental at Blue and my mom would just write a check to the ski club and give me like $10 for food and I'd usually only spend $6-7.
  16. My niece recently lost a tooth and my sister who posed as the tooth fairy gave her $1 and both me and my sisters friend said in unison,"cheap bastard" but everybody in my family is cheap except me and my dad.
  17. Not worth it for them in my opinion. Every day of their lives they've skied for free why would they wanna drop two weeks of allowance on that. Is their allowance going up to $5,50 or an even $6
  18. Not to be nosy but what kind of money do kids get for allowance these days. My highest allowance was $3 a week when I was 12 and then I got a paper route and always worked from there on out.
  19. Was thinking the same thing my initial thought was,"What a cheap bastard"
  20. Just pay for them. They're your kids. My dad pays for me when we golf and I'm 38. You should also have them contribute towards gas, wear and tear on your car and juice bags
  21. Well I went to the north shore one day. I didn't even want to go..but went to meet my bro in laws batshit crazy family. Been there done that on Hawaii.
  22. I was just thinking that.
  23. Just an FYI for night skiers...
  24. I saw this on Facebook.
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