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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Wow just wow and I don't understand the 6th grade pass thing. Is that new?? If I was blue I'd discontinue that immediately. It's the 5th graders that should get the deal.
  2. I don't think I'll ever go back to JFBB..but I'm always interested in how Floyds is. Blue is my minimum for trail lengths and vert. I love getting 7 runs an hour when it's uncrowded and the runs are just long enough for me to attain the speeds I enjoy skiing.
  3. Are the lifts still slow at JFBB?
  4. No cause then I'll have to go there.
  5. Johnny law doesn't work for free..no pro boner for you.
  6. Hunter used to be the snowmaking capital of the east and sometimes stayed open until early may.
  7. I wish..I'd have my commish converted into pierogies..and hook Sally, Shadows and Johnny law up...oh and my personal ski tuner Atomic Jeff and Enjorales and dad..and NMSki sheesh
  8. Blue is better than Camelback plus the price is right and quit being a pussy. You can dish it out but can't take it. You know it's national jelly day. You know what the difference between jelly and jam? You can't jelly a big black dildo into your tight ass lol. Lighten up salty have some fun..sheesh it's still ski season. You'll have plenty of time to dress a dead squirrel up like Johnny law this summer.
  9. What are your 3-4 more favorite days than gaper day??
  10. What are your 3-4 more favorite days than gaper day??
  11. I miss the old drunken Root...
  12. Thanks Barb!!!
  13. I love America the rich get richer!!!
  14. Yup a couple times. And chartered Bieber buses on JCC camp trips. Anyway thanks a lot Barb for hijacking this thread with your Jellystone talk. If it's not about skiing GTFO... lets respect Indiggios thread now boys and girl
  15. Because I don't wanna sit on a bus filled with poor people??
  16. Where are you cycling or hiking tomorrow?? I'm guessing the blue pass will go up in price within a week. I dont get it salty you were so excited about the Camelback pass deal and now undecided.
  17. Oh yeah that's her mancrush Monday lol. Well I'm still saving her my buddy pass.
  18. Bahahah I'd never take a Bieber bus. Public transportation other than planes are for poors.
  19. You're welcome and anytime. Will be interesting to see what's left after the 1-2" of rain falls this weekend.
  20. Fuck jersey and fuck Xanadu..was gonna be half assed. They should build a world class indoor ski facility like ski Dubai with a race course and black diamond.
  21. Salty you should just buy the blue pass before it goes up in price. Then you can ski with us tomorrow morning.
  22. Maybe AngryHugo and Zonked will be up tomorrow bahahahaha ha
  23. Late March if they're still open. They have big races next weekend so they'll be open for that. Beyond that is up to Mother Nature. Last year they were in bad shape going into march and stayed open into April due to cold and 17" the last scheduled event is the bump bash march 17th. Pond skimming is always last minute. One season they had pond skimming three weekends in a row. That was 2014
  24. Let's hope. It's very rare for us to have a snowless march. Let's hope the cold and or snow arrives when Blue still has some snow. It's going fast. A part of me thinks next weekend could be closing weekend with this warm and rainy forecast.
  25. Salty did you buy the Camelback pass??
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