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Everything posted by GrilledSteezeSandwich

  1. Tram 645-7...gondola 730-8am. The gondola opened at 915am today and the Tram at 935am..that's pretty fast avalanche mitigation work by the JH ski patrol. On the 22" day me and atomic jeff had two seasons ago we took the 655am bus and were on the second Tram when it opened after 10am but had the best run of our lives 4100 vert of top to bottom powder right to the base..
  2. Salty when are you gonna update your stats??
  3. I'm a little leary of this being that we are 60 hours out.
  4. 13" new and the gondola line 10 minutes before opening.
  5. 90% of our business is through funeral homes and the other 10% is walk ins..calls can be funeral homes asking questions, existing customers calling to make changes to proofs, checking status and people calling to set up appointments. As the weather gets nicer walk in business increases. If somebody showed up now I'd sit with them in the office and if another family showed up while I'm with first family I'd have them come back in an hour or set up an appointment since our office is small and we can only meet with one family at once. I sell a lot of tombstones via the phone, mail and email to out of state people as well. They typically pay with credit card over the phone and when the job is completed I send them a picture. Those are my favorites. We dont currently advertise. In the past we've advertised in the morning call, funeral directors magazine, church and synagogue directories. Most of our marketing budget goes to a quarterly mailer to about 1,000 funeral homes. If we get one new dealer who sells one average priced memorial stone it pays for the mailer. Plus it keeps our name out there. Most monument companies solicit families from the obituaries..we don't.
  6. I should have gone. I've been at work for an hour and a half and the phone hasn't even rung yet...
  7. Looks like snow 7pm Saturday until 1am Sunday and then 40 and sunny Sunday. Also they keep moving the rain up in tonight's forecast...I'm skiing in the rain I don't care..I don't wanna miss out on spring conditions..
  8. When blues early bird pass went on sale last season people were standing by at midnight credit card in hand. I remember Ryan waited a few weeks and had to pay an extra $150 I believe.
  9. They got an extra $30k in revenue. Wow just wow..I bet some of the new passholders won't even get their money's worth.
  10. That pass would sellout at Blue in 15 minutes.
  11. Any video with Pauly Shore in it is Nguyening
  12. I want to..it's not you it's me..I just have too much happening tomorrow at work and no office manager to delegate to. I'll ski with you Sunday..I feel bad that the PASRs don't wait for you to strap in..it's discrimination.
  13. Two days until the weekend...are you stoked!!!
  14. The timing might make for them to have a chance to groom before the snow. It's a possibility.
  15. I was wondering what Eaf has been up to the last two days. He's apparently trying to save money on his next doctors visit.
  16. Almost as funny as when Atomic Jeff told the patrollers last night blocking the six pack cattle chutes that they need lessons.
  17. This work week is the suck..first full week of work in a month and I'm already thinking about the weekend skiing the fun runs at Blue mountain the true mountain with the PASRs and Blue regulars followed by outstanding people watching and beer drinking in the parking lot. Anybody gonna be at Blue this weekend?? Looks like possible sunshine and by golly JFDans prediction of possible overnight snow Saturday night might just come true...like Blind Melons song..no Rain!!
  18. You crack me up!!! Are you retired??
  19. I would but I'm in charge of the office tomorrow. Office manager is going to Florida for a funeral. Maybe opening for the following Thursday although I think you're in JH then.
  20. I'm really hoping tomorrow night doesn't turn into a rainout. Saying rain mainly after 8pm for the Lehigh valley and mainly after 7pm for mount pocono. I might have to head up a little earlier
  21. Look it up on google images
  22. I laughed at the comeback. It was witty. Remember if you don't have any haters, you aren't relevant.
  23. I like all your posts..you and Sallycat tie for the best new posters on PASR
  24. What Salty does is he's a bit of a troll and then when one or two people criticize him he gets butthurt..it reminds me a little bit of myself.
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