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iceman_4432's Achievements

Pizza Wedge

Pizza Wedge (2/10)

  1. IT was really icy at night. What was up with the 2 quad lifts being closed too ? Ive never seen both of them closed.
  2. I thought they were opening Friday morning. I will definately be there.
  3. What am i reading this right. CB is going to start blowing snow tonight and possibly have terrain open this weekend ????? WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now that would be something else !!!!!!!
  4. You can bet that they will be making snow the minute the temps drop cold enough.
  5. Thanks for the report. Glad to hear that conditions are still favorable after all the crappy, rainy weather.
  6. HOLY COW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CB is going to start making snow tonight !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 11/16 !!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW WOW WOW
  7. December 1st @ 7:40 pm
  8. Well night temps from now thru Monday are supposed to be below freezing as a low. Hopefully this trend (colder then normal) will continue ! Also, look at next thursday, Friday, sAturday .. they are predicting snow at night. Thats different then in years past.
  9. What, you dont enjoy seeing obese, white skinned men spilling over tiny little speedos LMAO. Thats why the alcohol is so CHEAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Every Monday night Jan, Feb and March definately. And then every Sunday i can squeak in too. Friday nights .. i know alot of high schools have their ski club trip that night.
  11. People will go anywhere and stay inside and gamble .. no matter what is out the door. Whether that be the beach in AC, the caribbean sea on a cruise ship, or the slopes in the poconos.
  12. The PA passes are overpriced. Not to mention less vertical. But they are close. If it was the same distance between Gore and CB .. id do Gore in a heartbeat. But u cant just shoot up to gore after work. So u bight the bullet and pay for the convenience.
  13. iceman_4432


    More and more trails opening ! IT wont be long now before the mountain is 100% !
  14. Just checked out the webcam. Looks like a Blizzard is hitting OOOO yeaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!! Keep them temps low and those snow guns ablazin !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111
  15. Im sure you will see an influx of new members here. Like me ! Well maybe not new new but more active now anyway. Sheesh ... go into the new website, i must of spent 10 minutes looking for a link to the message board !
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